You dont have to worry about your wallet being stolen. Its totally safe on romanian land.
You should come to the country with your wallet to visit the country
Even if you are scared that romanians will steal your wallet, there are more romanians living outside the country than in any romanian city so bringing your money(that is in the wallet) in romania will keep it safe from romanian thiefs
Found the Romanian…
Your profile picture is red yellow and blue
You are secretly a Romanian and trying to hide that by claiming other people are without evidence
Damn, you got me… nice work LMAO
They misunderstood the theme. Romanians steal wallets in other countries, not in Romania. Romanians have no money in their wallets.
No, I think YOU misunderstood. This is about visiting Romania, not being from Romania.
As Romanian rapper Omladon said > Să nu ciordiți din buzunare de la români că-s bani puțini Fiți cu ochii-n patru cu grijă, filați-i pe străini>