Takes place after Korra. Features an earthbending avatar with a twin.
I am certainly reading too much into this: twins are said to have a special connection and, post-Korra, Avatars have lost a massive connection because of the broken Avatar cycle. Maybe the new Avatar will be able to restore the old connections in some way as part of the cataclysm story line.
That’s a genius idea, and I love it
I wish I could unread it and forget about it because it makes too much sense
Nice. I was wondering how they would continue the story after Korra and I’m glad they decided to turn everything upside down with a huge cataclysm because that sounds a lot more interesting than just doing another timeskip and landing in the modern world.
Konietzko and DiMartino are co-creating the new series together with…
And I’m sold, can’t wait to see what they come up with!
Aaron Ehazs was the secret sauce in the original series imo.
How so?
Original series was a masterpiece. Aaron worked as head writer alongside the original creators.
Korra wasn’t as good. There wasn’t Aaron.
Aaron’s own series, the dragon prince, is also not very good.
So I believe those 3 together can make miracles, but separate they’re not quite good.
Personal opinion.
Avatar - Seven Havens
As someone who really did not enjoy Korras writing for the most part I am not looking forward to this.
Im going to go into it with basically zero expectations so I can’t disappoint myself again.
TLOK’s problem was that Nickelodeon wouldn’t renew the show each season until the last minute, so they couldn’t really plan multi-season arcs. The first season also had the number of episodes changed several times - first it was going to be a movie, then a miniseries, then Nick ordered it expanded to a twelve episode season, but it was still going to be a one-off until it was too late to change the ending. And then the final season had a sudden budget cut, hence the clip show episode. If Nick just gets out of their way and lets them do their thing, the new show will probably be good.
Ehhhhhh even within the seasons themselves the writing and character motivations are just bad. Not like 0/10 terrible but watching Korra with the expectation that it was going to be anything near as quality as the original series was always going to be difficult.
Not a bad show by any means. Just not anywhere near as good as the original series.
I get what you mean, the lows were pretty low (especially any relationship stuff). But the highs were also high, even if they were rare. If they can capture that without the lows, there’s a good chance we’ll be getting good new material!
Same tbh. They’re clearly milking it, a-la Star Wars
Thankfully they can’t go back and ruin the original series. They can taint the legacy but the original series will still be there.
In one hand yeah it’s really exciting meeting another avatar but on the other hand… I’m not sure about the whole franchisation of Avatar, especially this massive announcement game. There are three movies in the making, two more seasons of Netflix Avatar and now another animated show.
Yeah, I think I will take my MCU approach to this: I watch what I want to watch and skip what I don’t like. I’m way more interested into the adult gaang movies at the moment than into this new series, but it can convince me if it’s good.
They will not name it Avatar: The Legend of »Name«?
Yes. So, people don’t think it’s blue alien people. Because normal people only know about blue alien guys.
I like the concept, sounds really cool. I look forward to more Avatar.
But I worry the concept shits on Korra’s legacy even more, “It’s just another one of Korra’s failures”.
Also Jinora better have been dead before the world blew up, otherwise where was her dues ex machnia world saving bull shit???
Makes me sorta sad tbh. “Seven Havens” sounds like there are seven places where it’s safe and the rest of the world is destroyed. Sorta like how it was in Avatar Wan’s time. This world that I grew up with has been shattered and the stories of the characters that I’ve loved now mean so little.
Gladly we will get new movies set in Aang’s time featuring the OG characters.
Yeah I’ll reserve my judgment for this Seven Havens setting until I see it in action, but I’m sceptical.
How effective is the Avatar gonna be in a world with tech somewhere between the 1940s and 1960s?
Like I know the Avatar is a singularly powerful being. But tech advances. And part of that is weapons development. And that’s bad news.
Everything changed when the Fire Nation dropped 2 Nuclear Weapons.
There is a lot to explore in society where a lot of the population has magic
Sadly I really hate the world building/magic system in Korra so i don’t know about this
We don’t know how the tech will look like, given that it is announced to be set in a “post-cataclysm” event
Please be good. I shall remain skeptical until then…
That would be amazing! I can’t wait.
deleted by creator
Here comes the farmer to milk the cash cow some more. Curious which IP holder ran out of money.
The Netflix show was milking. This actually stands a chance of being decent.
Remember when Avatar was put on Netflix and it was #1 for a while? It more of an IP holder realizing “huh, maybe we should do something with this IP.” In an more surprising turn they also gave the reins to the OG creators.