also, don’t forget, pre-covid: “you should have enough money set aside in savings to live without income for SIX MONTHS!!!”
covid lockdowns: “our $ multibillion corporation is going to DIE if we don’t end the lockdowns RIGHT NOW!!!”
Does this person not remember that literally everyone was upset about bailing the banks and auto industry out??? Like why are we pretending that those were popular decisions, and that the population is to blame?
Yeah but no one opposed the other bailouts as hard as they did for students.
250 000$ what the fuck
Guess I shouldn’t have been an impressionable teenager that believed adults when I was told I’d work at McDonald’s forever if I didn’t take the loan. Egg on my face, haha.
That neighbour shouldn’t have spent all that money on avocado toast!
Student loans shouldn’t be guaranteed by the government.
The government has an economic interest in ensuring we have educated workers.
Government backed student loans are a scheme to indebt eighteen year olds before they start their lives. Not everyone needs to go to college. Trades have a better ROI for the average person nowadays. We’re obsessed with college in the states for some reason.
And if they were private loans, they would be different how?
More often than not the loans wouldn’t be granted because there wouldn’t be any collateral and the student could simply declare bankruptcy and get rid of the debt. College would have to be cheaper so people could actually afford it.