If tou look into the plans and wacky shit the CIA has tried to do over the years, you realize they are just daycare for Ivy League grads. They are absolutely useless at anything beyond intelligence gathering
If tou look into the plans and wacky shit the CIA has tried to do over the years, you realize they are just daycare for Ivy League grads. They are absolutely useless at anything beyond intelligence gathering
I have no idea what is going on in sports anymore now that i don’t have Reddit. The fediverse is absolutely terrible for sports news
It’s specifically about being against the narrative. George Bush could come out and say he did 9/11 to destroy Hillary Clinton’s checks to Jeffrey Epstein saying “For child prostitutes/adrenochrome” and they would go on about how that’s just a psyop to make people go back into quarantine
Is Musk’s criticism that SA ended apartheid?
I begrudgingly voted for Harris, but i understand why millions of people that voted for Biden in 2020 didn’t vote for her. The system is inherently broken and Harris was offering to keep things the same. Until the Dems try to actually earn votes, not just be the default, they will continue to eat shit in elections.
95, my knees have completely given up on me
So you are saying that you will happily sacrifice minorities abroad so long as you can get your way?
Do you have nay idea how many “protecting children” types are pedophiles? Trump could mandate 13 year old sex slaves and the Pizzagate crowd would cheer.
In theory the US can. The laborforce and resources are all here. But modern capitalists only know how to strip a company for parts
We haven’t had a moron with this strong a cult of personality as president though. If anyone tries to challenge him he has an army of Red Hats who will punish anyone he tells them to
Because the hens provide eggs and are less quiet than a dog in a back yard. Roosters just scream randomly from just before dawn to just after dusk and are territorial and aggressive as all hell
How would your budget look if one of your daily staples increased 25% overnight? It’s the same as New Yorkers or Californians mofking Midwesterns when their rent increase drastically to something that’s considered “low end” in their market.
Wjere do you think the lettuce and tomatos you eat in the winter come from? Unloke Midwestern farms, California agriculture grows actual food that people actually eat, not cattle feed.
It really depends. I live ina rural town with about 17,000 residents. You are allowed chickens in the city limits, but not allowed roosters. I know a few people that have chickens in their yards, but there isn’t really enough apace for a chicken coop and activities in the yards since house are packed in pretty tight within coty limits. Outside city limits i would say about half the farmers have chickens as far as i can tell, but they are fairly reclusive
I once tried to set up my first PIN using the year Mark McGwire hit 70 home runs. The problem was that my PIN was 9870, and i quickly realized that was just 1234 with extra steps and had to come up with something else. Unfortunately i have no clue what i changed it to, as it wasn’t able to sit in my mind nearly as well.
People don’t want to be servers. They are there because they have no other options
Rent has gone up a lot more than 15% in the past decade. The whole system is rotten and needs to be abolished, but all the servers i know are absolutely struggling right now and depend on getting a 20% tip on each table. How would you feel if half your paychecks were randomly 25% less? Stop going to restaurants that expect a tip by all means, but if you are going somewhere that expects it, you should tip.
So could you and your coworkers, but restaurant owners are the sleazist, scummiest, and greediest business owners in your community guaranteed. A restaurant in my town had the entire staff fired and the restaurant closed for a month because the owner would rather miss out on a month of business than pay a fair wage.
Servers usually have to pay in X% of their total sales to the back of house. So if you stiff me on a $90 check, i lose $3 because i still have to pay that much in. I actually had a slow night where bith tables stiffed me so i actually left the restaurant $4 poorer than when i entered. Because ihad a better night the next shift, the owner was able to average me out so that he didn’t have to pay me more than the server minimum wage.
Mine will spring oit of the litter box and tackle the other cat. It’s really something to behold