Perry, a beloved miniature donkey who has been a fixture of Bol Park for nearly three decades and who famously served as the model for the Donkey character in "Shrek," was euthanized on Thursday after battling a painful hoof disease, Jenny Kiratli, the donkey's handler, told this publication. He was 30.
Thank you for doing the right thing. So many people have a mindset of “letting nature do its thing” which is selfish bullshit. We are supposed to be the guardians of the animals we care for. Watching them suffer is not ok.
Thanks. It was the toughest decision of my life, but once I’d made it I knew it was the right decision. No regrets.
We’re currently watching our elderly (~16yo) pup with early kidney failure and hoping he stays enthusiastic as long as possible. He’s a sleepy boy but still enjoys his hobbies, and seems unbothered by his health conditions (except that his kidney food is less interesting than any other food.)
Thank you for doing the right thing. So many people have a mindset of “letting nature do its thing” which is selfish bullshit. We are supposed to be the guardians of the animals we care for. Watching them suffer is not ok.
Thanks. It was the toughest decision of my life, but once I’d made it I knew it was the right decision. No regrets.
We’re currently watching our elderly (~16yo) pup with early kidney failure and hoping he stays enthusiastic as long as possible. He’s a sleepy boy but still enjoys his hobbies, and seems unbothered by his health conditions (except that his kidney food is less interesting than any other food.)