Wealthy corporations need public money because otherwise they’ll raise prices so high that it will collapse “the economy” and risk societal collapse. This is different from extortion because politicians make the laws and take a very small amount of this money for themselves.
“The economy” is the vampiric system where the people who do all the work get squeezed to death to make money for parasites who tell them “the economy” must be protected at all costs because reasons.
Everytime one hears a politician or media commentator harping about “the Economy growing” one should instantly ask “for whom?”.
In fact, asking yourself “who is that really good for?” and “what’s the point of telling me this?” is a pretty good general mental self-defense mechanism for handling the modern style of discourse from people trying to convince you to do something or form an opinion about them, using success stories - pretty much all such stories are self-serving in some way and generally either exagerated or lying by omission.
Wealthy corporations need public money because otherwise they’ll raise prices so high that it will collapse “the economy” and risk societal collapse. This is different from extortion because politicians make the laws and take a very small amount of this money for themselves.
“The economy” is the vampiric system where the people who do all the work get squeezed to death to make money for parasites who tell them “the economy” must be protected at all costs because reasons.
Everytime one hears a politician or media commentator harping about “the Economy growing” one should instantly ask “for whom?”.
In fact, asking yourself “who is that really good for?” and “what’s the point of telling me this?” is a pretty good general mental self-defense mechanism for handling the modern style of discourse from people trying to convince you to do something or form an opinion about them, using success stories - pretty much all such stories are self-serving in some way and generally either exagerated or lying by omission.