Forget the grunts and moans. When a mudcrab attacks my character, I want to hear “god fucking dammit” and “fucking shitbiscuit” from my character. That’s how people actually sound when they get hurt.
Somebody upgraded a Roomba to swear when it bumps into stuff. It’s pretty funny.
The Long Dark has this
Insurgency sandstorm if you like first-person shooters. You get shot at, and the avatars swear. Enemies and friendlies can also swear at each other. For example, the insurgent can say something like: we are going to kill you, and the American will tell him to eat his ass. So much hilarity can ensue.
I’m certain that someone has made a mod for any of The Elder Scrolls titles, well maybe not Arena… I dunno. Haven’t played or modded that one.
It’s pretty common to make the mudcrabs swear when hurt.
Not the same, but when you start to panic-stump-your-feet-into-the-ground in dead space II, Isaac starts to swear
Gex should have cursed whenever you took damage for sure.
I love when the Duke exclaims “HOLY SHIT” when he gibs a pig cop
That would get old and become annoying very fast.
I’m good
Swearing doesn’t serve any useful purpose
Actually, the Mythbusters confirmed that swearing increases your pain tolerance.
But then some American puritan might get their feelings hurt by hearing bad words in a game for adults!
shouldnt it be austrailian? pretty sure they are wayyyyy stricter on games there than the US. unless thats finally changed in recent years
Bullet-sponge games be like: Fu-fu-fu-fu-fuck-fu-fu-shit-shi-shi-shi-fu-fu-fu-fuuuuuuuuuuuu-fu-fu-fu-shi-shi-shit-shi-shi-shi-shi-shi-shi-shi-shi-shit-shi-shi-shi-shi-shi-shi-shi-shi-shiiiit-fuck-fuck-ow-fuck!
It could be hilarious to have those censored in some countries and turned into old timey expressions.
God fucking damn it! -> Great Googly Moogly!
Crispy Critters!- Atomic Heart
Mix the censored version in with the cussing ones.
They do, and cry out for their friends, in Last of Us.
Shepherd in Mass Effect does this.
Up until the last 30 minutes of gameplay, that game was a masterpiece
Which one 🤣 ME2 is an absolute treasure, so surely you’re referring to 1 and/or 3
I was referring to tho whole franchise. ME1 and ME2 endings were spectacular. Specially ME2.
Im still salty about ME3 ending
Ever play Q*bert?