To everyone here.
I know most of you are fed up, exhausted and disgusted. The key is to never give up and roll over. Once you do this the idiots will have won and we we’ll be permanently screwed. We had already gone through four years of Trump’s Idiocracy. Four more years sucks but you need to keep fighting the good fight. We can get through this!
Oh I’m never gonna stop fighting. They can send my gay ass to the camps and I’ll still fight. IDGAF
More meaningless culture war bullshit.
Hey look, another 4 years of Republicans not doing anything of value for the American people.
Meanwhile, Democrats just banned medical debt from showing up on credit reports.
The differences between parties couldn’t be more obvious and Americans were still stupid enough to elect the do-nothing party. That’s how I know this country is barreling down a path to collapse. It’s not Trump. It’s not even Republicans. It’s braindead stupid Americans.
Americans were still stupid enough to elect the do-nothing party.
Yeah disinformation and social media slop has diminished the little confidence I had that America could turn it around. It’s over and we are simply running out the clock, imo. Even if we are able to slice off the Republican fascist hydra head the climate change head will have grown too powerful at that point and devour us all
Yeah. I mean I try not to be the guy standing on the corner with the “THE END IS NEAR” sign, but the writing is on the wall here. History has shown us that if a populace doesn’t work hard to maintain a democracy, it loses it to the forces working against it. And our society simply can’t responsibly handle the threat of internet propaganda and radicalism. There will never be a more stark election than what we just experienced and we still failed the test. If we’re failing the easiest, most obvious tests we could possibly be given, we don’t stand a chance.
It’s not going to be some cataclysmic collapse and downfall. It’s going to be slow and steady and extremely despressing.
I try not to be the guy standing on the corner with the “THE END IS NEAR” sign
Same. At this point I’m exhausted though. I don’t see a way through and people have proven themselves far too stupid and susceptible to misinformation for there to be a way. A few people I know whom I used to think were fairly smart have even fallen prey to some clearly wrong misinformation on something as simple as birth control and have actively shown distrust toward multiple medical professionals. Simply no energy left to fight against the tide of stupification. We’re cooked
A few people I know whom I used to think were fairly smart have even fallen prey to some clearly wrong misinformation
This is probably the most depressing aspect of it all to me. Finding out that people who I thought were intelligent and good are actually anti-intellectual and amoral.
You know when you have a society rebelling against vaccines, one of the greatest things to ever happen to humanity, that you’re witnessing a downward spiral.
But God forbid you call it depressing and ruin someone else’s high on the way down.
This is the best case scenario, relying on their utter incompetence, although the will pillage state funds
Damn, my medical debt that is currently affecting my score must have not gotten the memo.
Another edit: Can the Trump administration kill this on day one?
Yeah. It’s a big deal.
Honestly, I’m not sure how possible it is for Trump to undo this. I haven’t looked deep enough into it. I read something about Biden doing what he could to make it hard for it to be undone. There’s so many nuances to our legislative system and the powers that the president has that it’s hard to tell how safe this from Republican fuckery.
From what I’ve read, Trump actually can kill this on day one. Whether or not he does is a different story, he’s taken a populist slide lately and I don’t think his supporters would be too happy with him undoing it.
Who knows though; unprecedented times.
Also, there has already been a lawsuit filed against the Biden administration for this rule. Fucking god damn it
to be fair any folk from any country would elect the dumb but good at talking dude before the smart bad debater woman. That is a well known problem about democracy
Trump knows what he’s doing, I feel his goal is to say more eye catching things to drive peoples focus away from other ongoing things.
Mexican here. This is happening as much as “the wall” happened. Don’t let him distract you from the H1B issue.
the people concerned dont care about the real result, they are just are happy to have a nationalist president
The unfortunate thing is that “the wall” kinda did happen. Really shittily, but even Biden continued building it and Kamala ran on continuing to build it. The idea itself is really stupid sure, it’s ineffective and ass. But there do be a wall getting built to this day.
It’s not about doing the things it’s about the optics of saying you’ll do them. The wall isn’t done and never will be. Even if it was it would never deliver what was promised.
Its all about optics and it’s why Trump sabotaged the immigration reform bill. It would show democrats are capable of actually executing/delivering in a way he can’t.
And on that front, trump was super successful. He was so successful that the Democrats full ass abandoned hispanic folk and immigrants in general and fully adopted Fascist Trump Immigration policy. In terms of optics, Trump won so hard the Dems tried to be like WE ARE JUST LIKE TRUMP BUT EFFECTIVE.
The dems would rather chase racist white “”“”“moderates”“”“” than any person of color. Even their POC’s cant help but beg for that racist white moderate because they crossed that wealth line that made them forget what they are to those folk. Trump won the optic war because Dems surrendered as soon as they physically could.
He won, he doesn’t have to make pointless stands anymore but I guess old habits die hard.
underrated comment
Ahh the important things that will improve all American lives
Good. Let him waste his time on petty shit like this.
This is the first step to annex another region.
- Historical Claim
- Support separatist or militia in these region
- Fabricate or Encourage attack on the border
- Impose light economical sanctions
- People in such country will get fed up and will increase clashes with the government.
- Government start anti-usa imperialism and start military campaign against them.
- USA say they are committing genocide or something and question their sovereignty
- USA announce special operation to restore peace
Cycle continue ….
We saw this in Lebanon, Libya, Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Ukraine and many other countries that the USA has admitted funding different group inside them to destabilize them. But now it seems trump plan or asked to do the same with both Mexico and canada.
They can justify it with Mexico because of drugs and immigrants, but it is harder for Canada. They US news tried to blame canada for “terrorist” and “illegal immigrants” but it seems they are following the same stories with Mexico.
You lost me at Ukraine. Ukraine was a domestic revolution against a Russian puppet government that acted in defiance and betrayal of the Ukrainian people. The Ukrainians didnt need any help getting pissed off and rioting in the streets when their president stabbed the entire nation in the back.
that when the shit hit the fan and the Yanukovitch government was about to fall, every regional and global power on earth was scrambling to try to get a favorable outcome while the streets of Kyiv were being fought between a mob of protestors and those protecting the Puppet state government.
those “phonecalls” that Russian propagandists love to talk about, weren’t quite the Gotcha that they think they were, because dozens of countries were having those same phone calls, it doesnt happen often, but anytime a state government falls, thats actually normal for those calls to go on. Its outside actors trying to put the peices back together in a way that benefits them and their interests. (if you think Western countries having those calls on Ukraine’s future was bad, boy do I have a horse to sell you on what was happening in Russia, Short version, it resulted in a full scale war.)
People talk about what caused the Euromaidan and who was responsible for it all the time, but critical and central issue they never seem to bring up when they argue about “Big bad Russia, evil CIA coup, etc” is the Ukrainian people. The population of the country where it happened is treated as if it wasn’t a factor with agency at all, that they only revolted because some guys at the US embassy gave them some signs and told em to. that line of reasoning frankly needs to be told to fuck off.
Re Ukraine - literally what Russia did, and will continue to do in every other place they can
They’ll just claim illegal immigrants represent an “invasion.” They’ll use that as casus belli to invade Mexican territory, and then simply claim occupied lands as spoils of war. They’ll also be able to make a practical argument, “well Mexico clearly can’t manage the border regions. Look at the anarchy there!”
I don’t see MAGA trying to seize all of Mexico. They wouldn’t want to take the heavily populated core around Mexico City, that’s for sure. But the more lightly populated border states? That would be much more tantalizing. Also, they could justify intervention in the border states as “protecting American investments,” referring to all the factories US companies have built right across the border.
Relocating an entire industrial plant is hard and expensive. One of the quickest ways to “bring manufacturing back to America” is to simply move the border to encompass already existing factories.
Canada would be a lot harder to justify, but casus belli can always be found. It just takes one person fleeing to Canada to escape charges for getting or performing an abortion. Suddenly Canada is “harboring fugitives.” Or attempt to relitigate the US/Canada border disputes of the 1800s. Or just claim fentanyl is being smuggled in from Canada. Etc. A casus belli can always be found or manufactured.
ah yes, the annexed regions of Lebanon, Libya, Iraq, Syria and Yemen.
If you cannot see how “ISRAEL” runs the “USA” government through “AIPAC” and how both represent the same “Entity” I would recommend you read more about what they “Publicly” publish and what the “world” see happening.
These are “current” example that where we saw “Israeli” government official say “Not a Country”. It also the same when we look at “China” and “Taiwan” and any other “super power” vs “neighbouring nation”
As far as Lebanon, Syria, etc., the theft of these lands is an explicit goal of “greater israel”.
- Israel chasing historical Zionist aim of occupying southern Lebanon, wider region: Expert
- Middle East latest: Israel plans an extended occupation of Syrian buffer zone
If it’s not possible to annex, it’s ok to just invade, murder people, steal resources, and create refugee crisis. Check out the current state of Iraq, Yemen, and Libya…
is Israel in the room with us right now?
And Ukraine, don’t forget Ukraine. Just replace the US with Russia in the whole post and you get closer to the truth.
Politics aside, “Gulf of Mexico” sounds way cooler. Easier and more fun to say, too.
Don’t tell him Mexico is part of the Americas though.
And I declare the US to be “South Canada”
The media now see’s it’s job as shutting up and taking the bait, i see
Well the US can call it the Gulf of bullshit all they want, for the rest of the world it IS the gulf of Mexico. Renaming it doesn’t give them anything extra, or any rights.
Its actually just really really petty and little, just some nonsense so that his base can say " look ge is really working hard for us!"
“Freedom Fries”
I say USA will now be called ‘Bunch of Dumb Fuck Heads’ My mom already approved it.
President Freedom Fries can call it whatever the fuck he wants. That doesn’t make it internationally recognized.
The reason Trump is doing this is so that we are not focusing on the rift in the party over H1B visas.
Where the fuck are the Democrats hitting the issue while it’s hot with 3 interviews a day agreeing with the average Republican over Trump and Musk?
where the fuck are the democrats?
Pointing fingers at each other and drifting further to the right, probably.
Ignoring everyone. Then when it’s election season again, they’ll act like you’re a Russian troll who just started talking to spread division.
Ah a classic then.