I have ADHD, and take adderall XR for it. However, for the past almost month, I have been without it because my pharmacy has a shortage of it. At first, I didn’t experience immediate problems except for increased appetite and maybe a few other minor issues but for the past week, i have developed anxiety and worry about things more strongly than I typically do. Is this normal? And based on your experience, does adderall “decrease” anxiety?

  • k_rol@lemmy.ca
    2 months ago

    I tried 2 different medications for my ADHD, none were Adderall but one of them was somewhat similar, sorry I can’t remember the names at the moment.

    The first one I had to stop taking after just a couple weeks because I wanted to crawl out of work because I was so socially anxious, I didn’t want people to see me at all . When I stopped I was almost immediately better.

    These meds play a lot with your dopamine and norepinephrine levels which regulate your stress quite a bit.

    With those 2 ingredients out you should ‘normally’ just feel depressed and lethargic in withdrawal but we all react a bit differently to those medications so yeah that makes sense. Depending how long you were taking them it could take you a month before you feel normal.

    It will pass, be patient.