Official announcement:[email protected]/
Git has four build systems?? Meson seems overkill if you already have CMake too. The only thing it really adds is that it’s nicer to write (CMake is somewhere between Bash and PHP in sanity), but if you have to write CMake anyway…
- When “git fetch $remote” notices that refs/remotes/$remote/HEAD is missing and discovers what branch the other side points with its HEAD, refs/remotes/$remote/HEAD is updated to point to it.
That is nice.
Wait, git evolves?
Yep, whenever they fix a bug it’s added in a new flag that nobody knows about.
git --enable-sane-behaviour
it’s not recommended to boast about your ignorance.
As a casual git user I imagine the process normally goes something like this:
- Development happens.
- New feature makes it into the release version of git.
- New version makes it into the various linux distro repositories.
- People who run big git repos install the update.
- Serious nerds hear about it and use the feature.
- Many years pass.
- I learn about it, if it’s widely used enough.
The big change in my opinion is we don’t need to tell newcomers about git checkout at all. Git switch --create is much better.
I’m so old I still just use git checkout -b somebranch anyway.
If one wants to help with Git development, where would they start?
The liquor store presumably? Just submitting patches is a simple 12 step process. I can’t imagine the development and review process is any easier.
I have implemented a Git client from scratch which involved quite a bit of reading the Git source code. It’s not bad code but it’s definitely the sort of code that would break in all sorts of unexpected ways if you changed something. I wouldn’t volunteer my time their tbh.