Many are supporting the duopoly’s funding of genocide of the Palestinian people due to Zionism’s hold on our government and politicians, per AIPAC.
As we learn and grow, exposing ourselves to diverse ideas that we do not agree with, our world view changes as well, unless we construct our own echo chambers by self-censoring ourselves.
Young or old, propaganda works on those of all ages; building up our critical thinking skills should be the goal for everyone.
Just looking at the current political tribalism, it is at an all-time high again.
Owner-class media (Main Stream Media or Legacy Media) trust is at an all-time low, while independent journalists are increasing their grassroots support.
Many are supporting the duopoly’s funding of genocide of the Palestinian people due to Zionism’s hold on our government and politicians, per AIPAC.
As we learn and grow, exposing ourselves to diverse ideas that we do not agree with, our world view changes as well, unless we construct our own echo chambers by self-censoring ourselves.
I think there is a big difference between critically thinking and propaganda. When you are young you are susceptible to all sorts of ideas.
Young or old, propaganda works on those of all ages; building up our critical thinking skills should be the goal for everyone.
Just looking at the current political tribalism, it is at an all-time high again.
Owner-class media (Main Stream Media or Legacy Media) trust is at an all-time low, while independent journalists are increasing their grassroots support.