With trains, you don’t arrive sweaty, you can’t get run down by cars, and someone else parks it
I ride a bike to work every day. I’m never sweaty. The infrastructure to cycle exists so I won’t get run over by cars.
Can’t sleep in it. Gotta haul your groceries. Won’t get you to the next state and back.
Y’all are deluded.
This remark probably won’t convince you, but it can help for others.
So, for groceries you can use a bicycle bag on the back of your bicycle. Or a bag bearer. Or a bicycle with an extra long back.
For going to the next state there’s something called “grow more muscle”. I know obese people here who manage to bike that distance easily.
As for sleep, that’s for a bed. But that said, there are bicycles with which you can bicycle sitting/laying in a comfortable position (recumbent bicycles). Some of them also look look cool as hell (velomobiles).
- Will be yours for an average of 1.2 days in a major city before it gets stolen
Unless everyone has a bike.
Think about it. No need to steal if it’s easy as fuck to obtain.
Bikes aren’t stolen to ride. They’re stolen to sell for drugs.
Sold to who?
This is not the best argument. You could sell literally anything for drugs.
If you wanted to tackle drug selling, the following works better:
a) helping homeless people to get a home, b) unemployed people to get a job w/ livable wage, c) and having safe drugs made by hospitals under strict controls, and used by addicts in controlled environments like hospitals.
The last one especially is crucial, however paradoxical it seems. It’s because then they don’t need to buy from other addicts or the sellers (who will be very dangerous), and don’t overdose, and with the extra money, can pay eg. rent, groceries.
The “just kick off from drugs” doesn’t work - if you ever have had an addiction, you know that it’s hard. It only gets easier to kick off if other bad factors in life are removed. Only then is kicking off easier.
Now, let’s wonder about cars…
Only if you have the bicycle equivalent of a Ferrari and don’t lock it. Same as cars really.
No need for parking
Yeah, just look how Nederlands or Belgium looks like xD
Rookie numbers.
Have you ever seen a walmart parking lot in person? You can fit the Netherlands and part of Belgium in one.
Awww, you think bicycles can’t work in the snow?
I live in the hills. bikes are a pain in the dick over here :(
Ebikes fix that problem in most situations.
Bikes are ableist aren’t they? They work well for you if you don’t have any physical or cognitive issues.
If we were talking about banning cars entirely, that would be relevant.
Cars sure as hell don’t work for someone who has cognitive issues.
A bike centric city would be just as, if not more, wheelchair friendly as a car centric one. There’s detachable front wheels that can be attached to wheelchairs and pedalled by hand so wheelchair users can use bike infrastructure just as well.
There are bikes for handicapped people. And if cognitive issues are a thing, then cars would be far more problematic: crash a bike into a person, you get minor wounds. Crash a car into a person, and you get a death caused by the car driver (who sometimes gets off scot free).
And if something is ableist, it’s cars for disabling you from walking/wheelchairing anywhere safely due to the stroads taking up all the space.