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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 22nd, 2023


  • That’s an interesting concept, it almost seems unhealthy - obviously unless you’re struggling to eat enough yourself. Is that the advice you gained, that you should dread not having food while you’re eating it? Forgive me if I’m overstepping, but it makes more sense to me that you should dread not having food outside of the actual meal - that way when you’re eating you can enjoy your food and alleviate the dread. Unless I’m misunderstanding what you’ve written?

    Are there any foods you particularly enjoy? Maybe another trick you can try is trying something that you’ve never eaten before, that way you can add the extra layer of exploration onto your meal.

    Do you feel hunger pangs at all? I’m curious what your normal relationship with food is, is this something you learned to push through or is it something else?

    Yeah, 12 hour shifts are impossible. I was working 80 hour weeks at one point and I will never go back if I have the ability to avoid it. How often were you taking those shifts?

  • Well, thank you for the compliment, but I merely guessed. The reason I guessed hunger was because, having intimately known it myself, it’s something that will force you to interact with ‘reality’. I understand that those with eating disorders have managed to harness that ‘mind over matter’ perspective, which is probably what’s led to your own unique perspective.

    Allow me to apologize for the way I’ve conducted myself. I was expecting you to become angry, as I’m used to seeing with online engagements where one side is shut down the way that you’ve been in these comments. It was wrong of me to talk about you in any way that’s not positive, as your composure proves your intelligence.

    I may not agree with you, but I certainly find you interesting. You have earned my respect. Please, though, try to make sure you eat more than crackers throughout the day. If not for your sake, then for the sake of more interesting conversations in the future.

  • See, I don’t agree with most of what you’ve said in this thread. That being said, having seen your responses, I also don’t think you’re a bad person.

    I would recommend that you seek some kind of help because no amount of powerful thinking will allow you to escape the reality that is needing to eat food and drink water. These things do have a measurable effect on the mind, whether you want them to or not. If your interpretation of reality is preventing you from doing this, then it is a problem (or this may be the root cause of your interpretation, I don’t know enough about you to say).

    That being said, I’m not going to police what you think. If your interpretation let’s you live life with a more positive outlook, go for it. Sincerely, though, start eating and drinking water regularly. I understand times are rough, but you can’t neglect this - it will kill you. Hopefully that isn’t something you want.

    I hope you have a nice day.

  • That’s because this person is arguing semantics, poorly, in bad faith.

    Magic isn’t real. No one is choosing to live in a world without whimsy, there are plenty of ways to be mystified by natural phenomena. Look up coronea borealis - suddenly you’ll be captivated by the night sky again (at least a part of it, I’m still having trouble determining which of these stars is actually Arcturus). For an even simpler example, fireflies. If you aren’t captivated by fireflies because they don’t actually have fire in them, you’re probably just an idiot (or allergic to them, though I’ve never met anyone allergic to fireflies). Magic is simply a way for the primitive mind (and by association primitive society) to explain away things that seemingly had no tangible cause.

    Magic isn’t real because the collective knowledge of humanity has matured past the need for it.