• WideEyedStupid@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    Anne Frank didn’t die in a gas chamber. She was never in an extermination camp. She was at Auschwitz, not Auschwitz-Birkenau. She died in Bergen-Belsen, most likely from Typhus.

    Anyway, you do realize they didn’t start off with gas chambers, right? You need incremental steps, making it worse little by little, because otherwise people won’t accept it. First it was the rhetoric, and the rhetoric got worse and worse. Taking away people’s rights. Taking over the newspapers to print whatever you want them to. Changing laws, removing laws, writing new laws. Violence in the streets to intimidate and persecute people, using his brownshirts. Imprisoning political opponents (socialists and communists were first, of course, because they resisted the hardest). Imprisoning anyone who went against the propaganda; journalists, scientists, artists, teachers, any and all intellectuals basically. Banning political parties except your own. Executing religious leaders that refused to kiss the ring. Anything and anyone that could possibly ever turn into a weapon against him, even his own people weren’t safe. But each step came after the previous, a 100 little steps that resulted in industrialized genocide. You can’t start at 100.

    The extermination camps weren’t built until '41/'42 and mostly they did that because executing shitloads of people was very traumatizing for his own murder squads (Einsatzgruppen) and very time-consuming. It wasn’t efficient, it was bad for their mental health. They had already gassed people in smaller settings like hospitals, mentally and physically disabled people. They industrialized it, but it wasn’t what they advertised in the 30’ies. If Hitler had stood up during elections and said “hey guys, you know what would be cool? Let’s gas millions of people!” he never would have gotten to power. But once he had power… well, he could do whatever the fuck he wanted. His rabid supporters loved it, any and all actual resistance was already squashed, and anyone who didn’t love it had to pretend they did, because otherwise they’d be dragged off.

    Even then, remember that the most votes the Nazis ever got was 39%. 39% too many, obviously, but they never had a majority. The only reason Hitler got absolute power in the first place is because the conservatives worked with him, thought they could control the Nazis, use them against the socialists and communists. They made him chancellor, and then Hindenburg died and Hitler made himself president as well. Of course by then there was nothing or nobody who could even try to stop him anymore. But yeah, the conservatives handed him power on a silver platter. Underestimated him. Sounds familiar, no?

    Remember: Nazis in the 30’ies hadn’t done yet what Nazis in the 40’ies ended up doing. They were still fucking Nazis.

    Hitler wasn’t Hitler, until he was.

    Edit: Also remember that extermination wasn’t even the goal at first. What they wanted was to get rid of the Jewish people, not necessarily kill them all. Jewish people could voluntarily leave, some were being deported to Poland and other places. Entire ships filled with Jewish people were sent to Cuba (where they were denied entry) and the US (where they were denied entry) and other places (often being denied entry and being forced to go back where they came from, only to still end up in concentration camps). They even had an ultimate deportation plan (the first Final Solution, I guess): The Madagascar Plan. They were going to deport all Jewish people to Madagascar. But when they couldn’t defeat the British and any invasion of GB was deemed impossible, they gave up on the plan.

    We have already seen that camps with immigrants are apparently perfectly acceptable in the U.S. and now with the new shit being built in Texas… do you really think all these people are actually going to be deported? Or are they going to rot in camps while being used as slave labor? How many are going to die from horrific conditions? Americans actually voted for all this, Trump has never been shy about his intentions. And they still refuse to accept any Nazi-parallels. Just because people aren’t being gassed, doesn’t mean any comparison is false.

    Edit 2: correction: I don’t actually know if any building has already started. But Texas has offered land to Trump for his Mass Deportation Facilities. Sources: here and here