I have no idea if we will, but I want to give it the best god damn chance we can get.
Well, yes. Humanity as a whole will probably stop sucking ass before it gets wiped out completely. Though it might cost us a few billion. Lives, I mean, not dollars.
Got me worried there for a min, losing dollars would be unrecoverable! /s
Objection: feels like copeposting
Oh, absolutely. Humans will prevail. But right now the forest is on fire and many of us are the small bits on the forest floor that will be completely consumed by the oncoming fire. The destruction will test the perseverance of everything and the burgeoning that follows will be another minor Renaissance, like the period between WW2 and the Internet. When ignorance reigns and sequels are the only entertainment, expect the worst.
How many died before France got the revolution it needed to eventually make things better?
How many need to die right now for shit to happen so things finally start improving?
We might prevail in the end, but how long will we suffer in the meantime?
Yeah, good luck fighting entropy.
Also basic human behavior.
Surfing entropy.
Ride the stardust wave into an agricultural mountain dew future. It’s what plants love.
I don’t want to get along with anyone, but this is the outcome I hope for.
(Everyone just needs to come to the conclusion that I’m right and we’ll be able to live happily.)
Fun fact: my exes great grandfather modeled for Rockwell for this painting.
Nah, climate change will either finish us or make us beg for death.
Depends on what one calls a good future. On a long enough timeline, everything (probably) decays to photons in an infinitely expanding universe. On an even muuuuch longer (est. 10 to the 10th to the 10th to the 1.2nd years) timeline, another iteration of this exact universe’s timeline spontaneously exists all over again.
We must assuredly all hang together, or assuredly we shall all hang separately.
It’s not an unpopular scenario - it’s just completely improbable.
The more likely scenario being that we wipe ourselves out long before evolving to learn to work things out.
There is a theory that the reason we haven’t found other intelligent life in the universe is that it inevitably destroys itself.
The most probable of the great filters IMO.
How dare you? Drop that optimism and start panicking like the rest of us!
I still think humans
Which humans? All roughly 8 billion humans across nearly 200 countries?
will work it out
Work what out?
in the end
The end of what? This century? History?
and have a good future
Define “good future.” Good how? For whom? For everyone, equally?