Just to head that off, SpaceX doesn’t have competition at this point. ULA can’t match the Falcon rockets, and Boeing has their fingers in that pie. Blue Origin is staring at a corner and appears to be wanking itself. Virgin Galactic is only interested in space tourism. There’s a bunch of little companies trying to get past the R&D stage, but nobody substantial. NASA’s own rockets are an expensive boondoggle because Congress can’t shut up and let them do their job.
SpaceX is it. Nationalizing the company would not only get rid of the company’s biggest problem (the meatsack ego at its top), but would also do an end run around Congress treating NASA as a jobs program with pork in every state.
Everyone has already told you it’s not a precedent but I should also note the eminent domain literally only requires the US to pay a fair market price, not for them to not take it.
For example, the Chattanooga and Tennessee Electric Power Company was nationalized into the TVA; As well as the rail roads and financial industries have a revolving door of nationalization-an-de-nationalization.
So if your ISP goes under and it’s the only option in your area you’d rather be without internet than have a nationalized internet, even if the government is not allowed to snoop your data?
That sets a very bad precedent.
Can you explain why?
Because it opens the doors for the Republicans to start seizing businesses they don’t like.
Something something competition something invisible hand?
Just to head that off, SpaceX doesn’t have competition at this point. ULA can’t match the Falcon rockets, and Boeing has their fingers in that pie. Blue Origin is staring at a corner and appears to be wanking itself. Virgin Galactic is only interested in space tourism. There’s a bunch of little companies trying to get past the R&D stage, but nobody substantial. NASA’s own rockets are an expensive boondoggle because Congress can’t shut up and let them do their job.
SpaceX is it. Nationalizing the company would not only get rid of the company’s biggest problem (the meatsack ego at its top), but would also do an end run around Congress treating NASA as a jobs program with pork in every state.
Sigh, we need to fund NASA more.
I caught a NDGT clip talking about how the nasa and space program in general accounted for a fraction of a percent of the us budget.
We need to cut Boeings military contracts and send it to nasa.
Everyone has already told you it’s not a precedent but I should also note the eminent domain literally only requires the US to pay a fair market price, not for them to not take it.
that precedent already exists.
For example, the Chattanooga and Tennessee Electric Power Company was nationalized into the TVA; As well as the rail roads and financial industries have a revolving door of nationalization-an-de-nationalization.
Or a very good one. If it’s too big to fail, then it’s already a problem.
The government forcibly taking ownership of a business is a bad thing.
Just let the business fail.
And then it dominos into other things failing.
So if your ISP goes under and it’s the only option in your area you’d rather be without internet than have a nationalized internet, even if the government is not allowed to snoop your data?
What if all the funding already comes from the government?