ID: ally @missmayn posted: “the democrats were more energized and organized against campus protests than the current authoritarian takeover.”
ID: ally @missmayn posted: “the democrats were more energized and organized against campus protests than the current authoritarian takeover.”
George Carlin said it years ago but it bears repeating:
Unless America finds a way to get the money out of politics, I don’t think it’s problems will ever get fixed by politicians. The class divide will widen and ultra wealthy will grab more money and power, while those below will be busy with culture war distractions and not focused on the class war.
The french did a pretty good job cleaning up.
There was a lot of turmoil before they stablized on the respectable undomesticated society they have today.
Maybe it could happen again?
I guess it’s up to the American citizens. I wonder how much worse it’ll become before they start really fighting back.
Every society is 3 missed meals from a revolution.
Most of the country already lives paycheck to paycheck. If most people became unemployed and couldn’t find work they’d be homeless in less than a year.
They have plenty of circus, but bread (or eggs) is going to get more expensive.
Idk where the edge is but I think if our incompetent government doesn’t push Americans over the edge soon climate change probably will.
As soon as I started reading, I just had to look up the clip
George, I know you were ambivalent at the end. You had every right to be. You were modern day Jesus and they didn’t even bother to crucify you, they just pushed you aside and looked away.
I still miss you though. You would have said I was a fat ass and probably had security throw me into the streets but you and I share one thing, we saw it as it is. I miss that from you. The only place you find it anymore, after you left, is tucked away in controversial threads where everyone gets banned.
Miss you, you coke addled, frustrated, kind hearted to a fault, train conductor.
We need George back
Also, paragraphs my dude!
There I fixed it for you :)