A great way to learn the basics. It’ll be old, but that’s ok. It’s going to cover all the shell basics and then more. It’s still going to be useful, it’ll cost you pennies, you’ll be able to dip into it when you want, and you’ll be giving to a good cause.
Internet service can go out without the power going out, you know. Not everyone has the good fortune to live in a place with quality infrastructure or multiple choices of ISP.
Who needs manuals!? Download the source code! Don’t RTFM. RTFSC!
The code is the documentation!
Get ed!
Yes I do know that internet can go out separate from power. That’s why I said what I said, which I guess you didn’t comprehend. I’ll say it again just for you. MAKE A LOCAL COPY OF THE ARTICLE AND YOUR NOTES SO YOU DON’T NEED INTERNET TO READ IT.
You good? We’re talking about PDFs and physical books homie. Take a breath.