A recent Youtube Web update has added a canvas whenever the seek bar is visible, an HTML5 canvas pops up. This was not asked for and not needed. If you disable canvases for privacy, this will cause a horrific red bad to cover half the screen until you hide the seekbar. Canvases can be used for fingerprinting, which I’m sure Google is doing here.
which ones don’t?
also, good goalpost moving.
TinEye seems to have no problem with this. It seems weird to argue that something that doesn’t work on every browser should be used because the alternative doesn’t work on every browser.
Google could easily do both. Using JS if canvas fails.
librewolf has canvas turned off, because it’s fingerprintable. it’s still in the firefox codebase. all major browsers support canvas and have for more than
10fifteen years.also, canvas is literally a JS API what are you talking about