Everyone tells me they wouldn’t do that but I know better than to trust the powers that be with my life and health. I heard about something called SR17018 that might be some kind of replacement or possibly a way to quit but I can’t find much on how it can be used in these ways, although I do have a source. I also have a couple huge bottles of vitamin c, for something called “the vitamin c method” which may or may not help with withdrawals. Any other ideas or steps people are taking besides stockpiling? I could never stockpile enough honestly. Any help appreciated, this is the biggest obstacle to survival for me if the collapse happens any time soon at all.
I have no advice, just want to say I’m sorry you’re working on yourself and then some idiot may make it harder. Stay strong.
Thank you 💚 I’m doing my best. We’re in this together
I agree with you that you cannot trust the current federal government with not cutting this program. I wouldn’t recommend the following advice because it requires very good opsec, but methadone can be bought on the dark web. Hopefully it doesn’t come to that.
Yeah I have the ability but not the money sadly
How many mg are you on? I know it’s really hard, but it’s also really possible to go down relatively quickly. If your doctors aren’t helpful about it take it into your own hands and start reducing the dose every single week. Use old bottles to split new ones if needed to make the steps smaller. It took years to get started with seriously reducing, but once you do it can go pretty quick. The methadone is only maintaining a steady level in your system due to the way absorption work, so you’re already past the hard part (you’re not getting high anymore). I would focus on this for now and reduce/stop asap while you still have your access, your best bet is to be free of it if/when that time comes, if it happens too quick you can (and will) find other solutions at that point. Best of luck.
if you have money you can just buy black market methadone or opiates on current dark net . you could plant opium poppies and make laudanum then wean yourself. if it was me i would stockpile and grow the poppies, then be ready to be miserable for a year as you ride the edge of misery until you can quit and renormalize. you can use kratom but its also addictive and no better than just being opiate addict. do all the things, most importantly accelerate your detox as much as you can so you can handle it . save as much of your wafers as you can each dose and use it to taper if they cut you off
Thank you, I’m doing some of this already. Good luck to you
deleted by creator
Less than helpful advice probably, but the only way to truly be independent it to wean yourself off of the chemical dependencyThis is an L comment and deserves the downvotes.
Thank you for the edit. Yes it was less than helpful, it was an obvious and patronizing statement, and I appreciate your willingness to analyze what you said and quickly admit that it wasn’t cool.
Yeah no shit buddy. What do you think they’re doing?
Thank you.
Good on you for reflecting and owning up to it. Genuinely.