As an outsider in this discussion, who just read it now, what are you talking about??
You got 1 single question: show some examples of people being positive about AI/OpenAI on lemmy, something you said is very common. The one asking about it even did their best to find them themselves, but can’t, so is asking you since you seem to come across it all the time.
And then you’re like “i don’t owe you anything, and i’ll reply 50 times to you, but not take the minute it should take me to give a single example of what i was talking about (something i say is/was very common here)”…
If there’s someone looking bad in this situation, it’s you dude… The question communist asked is very normal in an honest discussion, and even more so after he did the effort to find it himself, and showed he did the effort.
If there’s this pro AI community on lemmy, plenty of people would love to see it and maybe see what their views are. It sounds genuinely interesting if it exists, but for some reason you mention it, and when someone asks “where are these posts? i did my best finding them, but can’t”, you’re like “no, stop harrassing me, i said it exists, but i’m not going to show you”.
Now i don’t know much about the users here, so could be he’s a troll. But i don’t see him as trolling you in this discussion, he asked a good faith question, and you go completely off the rails…
The proof that would be required would be you calling out openai and people defending them. I mean, that’s just blindingly obvious you know. The few times i referenced something i did in the past in a discussion, i linked my previous posts showing that, otherwise i could claim anything. It just seems like the most basic etiquette in a discussion. You said people were defending openAI here on lemmy when you were calling them out. And now people are curious about this and you’re like “i’ll never show you”.
I really don’t get how that’s so difficult for you. Great that you saw the openai bullshit coming from a mile away, but that doesn’t mean you have to act this ridiculous when someone is curious to the context and asks you for an example when they did the effort to find such an example and couldn’t…
There was no good faith whatsoever in the question, because the answer is irrelevant to the topic. Dude is fishing for a debate and chose this hill to plant a flag.
He’s now responding to my comment on this discussion, as he has in others where I wasn’t even talking to him. Do you need more reason why I won’t bother with this clown?
So just show him an example, if he then continues antagonizing you, call him out for it and for moving the goalposts etc… you could have solved this in no time, i really don’t get the point you’re trying to make… I’ll show this guy who claims to be a troll by being a troll myself, even though i could prove him actually being a troll with far less effort than that.
That’ll show the internet how serious and not a troll i am…
I don’t know why your brain got stuck in this mode, but maybe try to snap out of it…
Dude… I not digging through years worth of social media interactions across several accounts just to appease some kid that is demanding proof of something that doesn’t matter one way or another.
The kid has issues. I’ve no idea what their problem with me is, but I’m not going to give in to an antagonist.
FWIW, I don’t feel I need to answer to a pointless barrage of questions.
Also FWIW, I don’t give a fuck what it’s worth you you.
As an outsider in this discussion, who just read it now, what are you talking about??
You got 1 single question: show some examples of people being positive about AI/OpenAI on lemmy, something you said is very common. The one asking about it even did their best to find them themselves, but can’t, so is asking you since you seem to come across it all the time.
And then you’re like “i don’t owe you anything, and i’ll reply 50 times to you, but not take the minute it should take me to give a single example of what i was talking about (something i say is/was very common here)”…
If there’s someone looking bad in this situation, it’s you dude… The question communist asked is very normal in an honest discussion, and even more so after he did the effort to find it himself, and showed he did the effort.
If there’s this pro AI community on lemmy, plenty of people would love to see it and maybe see what their views are. It sounds genuinely interesting if it exists, but for some reason you mention it, and when someone asks “where are these posts? i did my best finding them, but can’t”, you’re like “no, stop harrassing me, i said it exists, but i’m not going to show you”.
Because it’s a ridiculous thing to question someone on and the dude is a known troll that I have zero respect for.
Is that enough of a reason?
I simply said that I called out OpenAI back when people defended it. What about this requires proof? It’s a dumb hill to fight on let alone die on.
Ah, now he’s a well known troll.
Now i don’t know much about the users here, so could be he’s a troll. But i don’t see him as trolling you in this discussion, he asked a good faith question, and you go completely off the rails…
The proof that would be required would be you calling out openai and people defending them. I mean, that’s just blindingly obvious you know. The few times i referenced something i did in the past in a discussion, i linked my previous posts showing that, otherwise i could claim anything. It just seems like the most basic etiquette in a discussion. You said people were defending openAI here on lemmy when you were calling them out. And now people are curious about this and you’re like “i’ll never show you”.
I really don’t get how that’s so difficult for you. Great that you saw the openai bullshit coming from a mile away, but that doesn’t mean you have to act this ridiculous when someone is curious to the context and asks you for an example when they did the effort to find such an example and couldn’t…
And to not be too hypocritical XD. Here’s an example of me linking to a previous post when i thought it matter to show i was saying what i was saying before more information about a subject came to light:
There was no good faith whatsoever in the question, because the answer is irrelevant to the topic. Dude is fishing for a debate and chose this hill to plant a flag.
He’s now responding to my comment on this discussion, as he has in others where I wasn’t even talking to him. Do you need more reason why I won’t bother with this clown?
He’s an antagonist.
Because you’re a known liar.
win the debate, show me the one singular example.
This isn’t a debate. It’s you trolling.
Go away.
So sayeth the lying troll
So just show him an example, if he then continues antagonizing you, call him out for it and for moving the goalposts etc… you could have solved this in no time, i really don’t get the point you’re trying to make… I’ll show this guy who claims to be a troll by being a troll myself, even though i could prove him actually being a troll with far less effort than that.
That’ll show the internet how serious and not a troll i am…
I don’t know why your brain got stuck in this mode, but maybe try to snap out of it…
Dude… I not digging through years worth of social media interactions across several accounts just to appease some kid that is demanding proof of something that doesn’t matter one way or another.
The kid has issues. I’ve no idea what their problem with me is, but I’m not going to give in to an antagonist.
“Known troll” source??
check my modlog… then yours
You understand that being a troll within the rules won’t land you a lot of mod log infractions, right?
You picked a fight here for no reason bro. How about you just walk away?
I did because you lied
proof I’m a known troll?
do you want me to prove you are? It’d be very easy.
You really need to get a life man. The proof that you’re a troll is this conversation: I’ve told you to go away times.
You won’t.
You’re still here too… and I’m not the one lying for sympathy on lemmy. It’s my day off.
Go away troll.