Police decide who ingested exactly which drugs based on a 12-step collection of clues gathered by staring into suspects’ eyes, pinching their muscles, taking their blood pressure and watching closely how they walk and talk and balance.
Yeah if one is trying weed for the first time, they really should smoke first and then start drinking. But a lot of people only worked up courage through drinking all night, then take a massive hit from some super strong strain. Not good.
Yeah I mean I agree with you, there is tolerance, obviously, but I’m trying to show the difference in tolerance in relation to cannabis. The scale is just so wildly different that in terms of the type of tolerance you can build with cannabis, that type of tolerance does not exist for alcohol. Is what I was saying.
Yeah if one is trying weed for the first time, they really should smoke first and then start drinking. But a lot of people only worked up courage through drinking all night, then take a massive hit from some super strong strain. Not good.
Yeah I mean I agree with you, there is tolerance, obviously, but I’m trying to show the difference in tolerance in relation to cannabis. The scale is just so wildly different that in terms of the type of tolerance you can build with cannabis, that type of tolerance does not exist for alcohol. Is what I was saying.