Fuck you Trump. Just fucking do it. Stop playing stupid games and get to the goddamn point.

  • pimento64@sopuli.xyz
    12 days ago

    That’s certainly an interpretation of WW2, and since it directly contradicts the opinions of Field Marshal Zhukov, into the trash it goes.

    • GrizzlyBur@lemmy.ca
      12 days ago

      Didn’t realize that a Field Marshal of the Soviet Union is the be all end all of opinions about WW2 and the participation of the US in it. Next you’ll be asking me to follow Douglas MacArthur’s opinions on the Korean War!

      Get real. The US showed up in WW1 in 1917, long after the Central powers were exhausted. In WW2, the US showed up in 1941. On the pacific front, the Japanese had been fighting China since 1933. In Europe, the Germans had been fighting since 1939. In both wars, the homefront was entirely untouched unlike the rest of the world, setting up the US with a massive head economic head start in the post-war period.

      But hey, go on, lecture to the person with two history degrees from a US university on why your dead Soviet Field Marshal’s opinion is more correct about the US’s participation in the war than me.

      • pimento64@sopuli.xyz
        12 days ago

        Yes, I do believe a field marshal of the soviet union and one of the greatust military commanders of all time understood the particulars of the United States’ involvement in WW2 better than you do, especially since you’re belligerently persisting in error instead of being humble and admitting it. So you have two degrees. So what? That’s fallacious, Andrew Wakefield had a doctorate. You should know better than to appeal to your degrees, there are people who are far more qualified than you are who think everything you’re saying is idiotic—and they’re right

        • GrizzlyBur@lemmy.ca
          12 days ago

          You’re 10-ply bud. The only person showing a gross lack of humility here is you. I’d go into depth on why what you said is stupid and is bad history, but smart words are wasted on deaf ears. I can tell you all the historical facts backed by primary sources all day, but I can’t teach critical thinking. That lack is critical thinking is what got you here. But hey, go ahead and keep on using bigger words to shield against that fragile, threatened, intellect of yours. I’m sure it will make us agree with you more instead of actually citing sources or doing any attempt to explain why you think what you said made any sense. So far you argument is “Field Marshal Zhukov said otherwise once” and your source is “trust me”, and hiding behind the opinions of unnamed peoples who are more accredited than me (therefore default right-er-er than me!!), along with copious, pitiful, abrasive ad hominen attacks (I know big words too!!).

          Real talk. I don’t know what you do for a living, but I recommend you stay in your lane and I’ll stay in mine. The electrician shouldn’t tell a plumber how to bend pipes. Whatever brainrot is making you sanctify a long dead Field Marshal of the USSR, one responsible for the extremely brutality on the civilians of East Germany and especially Berlin, you should do some serious introspection as to why. You glorifying this man shows you are severely detached from reality, let alone equipped to debate history.

          Oh, and I’m under no pretense to be polite or humble when talking about history here. This isn’t a history conference, its an anonymous forum. I can be as crass or rude as I want here. Frankly, I should’ve just told you to pound sand instead of writing all this out. Do me a favour, and trust me when I say that what you said and think is stupid as hell. Your homework is to use the boundless expanse of the educational internet to figure out why. I say this with sass yet genuine concern; educate yourself better. Your mind deserves better.

          • pimento64@sopuli.xyz
            8 days ago

            You need to calm down. You also need to accept that you’re wrong instead of pontificating at length, as if I asked for you to shit out failed revisionism. You’re making me retroactively support teachers beating their students because you clearly needed the only kind of correction you’re capable of understanding, given your myopic view of history.

            • GrizzlyBur@lemmy.ca
              8 days ago

              You’ve done nothing to try to convince me that I am incorrect. You’ve not engaged with my original argument with any logical reasoning or facts. You haven’t even tried. All you’ve done is degrade my degrees and try to bully me out of my opinion like a little school child. In fact, I am beginning to suspect I really am speaking to a child – even wishing that you could physically smack me instead when losing an argument.

              Nothing I said is revisionism but solid fact. It is simply making new conclusions on new emerging research and historical sources – something that you have no idea about because you’re not a historian. Historians disagree all the time on the same historical events. You’d know this if you ever read more than one book on the same historical topic instead of taking the first one you read as gospel.

              I stand by what I originally said. You are not equipped to debate history.

              • pimento64@sopuli.xyz
                7 days ago

                You’ve done nothing to try to convince me that I am incorrect. You’ve not engaged with my original argument with any logical reasoning or facts

                Stopped reading right there. Are you imitating Ben Shapiro on purpose, or are you ignoring what actually happened and then trotting that phrase out because it’s how your mind actually works? I’m sure the degree mill you went to loved it either way.