comes a time when blue states just need to draw the line and flat out refuse to follow federal laws and judges until federal judges stop being corrupt.
The IRS can’t hunt down the current tax evading people even with state help
If state enforcement stops helping federal enforcement and the state tells everyone to stop paying their federal taxes then short of an actual invasion by the US military there’s basically jack shit the fed can do
comes a time when blue states just need to draw the line and flat out refuse to follow federal laws and judges until federal judges stop being corrupt.
They do it for marijuana laws but won’t treat anything else like that. I don’t understand.
Lots of potential tax revenue with cannabis.
Ppppssshhhhhhh!!! That’s not gonna happen!
You say “secede” funny.
They would if they also didn’t rely so much on federal funding
NYS pays more in federal taxes than we get in Federal dollars.
I think we’ll be ok.
most blue states send more than they receive; all they have to do is stop sending money back to the federal government and red states would go broke.
The states never see that money though. It’s directly from blue state workers’ paychecks and never passes through state owned bank accounts.
That can change pretty quickly.
You’re going to have to explain how that can change. And how it could be done quickly. Because I’ll tell you neither of those are remotely true.
The IRS can’t hunt down the current tax evading people even with state help
If state enforcement stops helping federal enforcement and the state tells everyone to stop paying their federal taxes then short of an actual invasion by the US military there’s basically jack shit the fed can do
No company is going to stop paying their withholding if they don’t want to get shut down. Don’t be daft.
And who’s going to shut them down?
Again: without the State-Level enforcement they currently rely on OR an invasion of any state doing this then there’s nothing that the feds can do
Also: just gonna ignore citizens like that? Lick. That. Boooooot