bro paid $750 for a piece of paper and seems shocked that it’s not magic
Always make sure you record on the record.
They always seem so surprised it didn’t work for them.
This country has, on average, gotten so stupid that I’m surprised half of us can manage to keep themselves alive.
It’s become a full-time job for the OTHER half to keep the first half alive.
That’s why California and New York get taxed to shit only for that money to end up in red states.
Sorry bud, the only way you’re getting immunity is by becoming the President of the United States.
What is it that they’re sending that results in a warrant for their arrest?
Probably nothing they’re sending is causing the warrant. Whatever they’re sending is to get out of whatever legal obligation they aren’t following through with. When the sovcit sends the nonsense, the legal system ignores the nonsense and issues the warrant for noncompliance of the sovcit.
I wonder if anyone has paid the 750 from their trust, or sent a silver quarter as payment.
They have tried.
Commenter is asking whether the scammers who sell magic documents to SovCits will accept fake SovCit payments. The answer is no.