Stargate is superior to Star wars
Imagine if the sequel trilogy’s money was instead thrown at the SG writers and crew.
Disney would have drained its soul, too.
I don’t know, Stargate died even harder than Star Wars ever did.
at least there isn’t official fan fiction walking around wearing it’s skin
Not yet. Once their done with Start Trek and Star Wars, it will be Stargate’s turn.
At least Lower Decks is awesome
I dare to disagree. Stargate Universe was not particularly well received, yes, but the second season is where it hit its stride, especially the second half. It got cancelled just after it got good.
Add “lighting done so we actually see what the fucks going on”. Sick of these dark, foggy, desaturated scene to hide the set budget was 12 cents.
Keep in mind Star Wars isn’t sci-fi. It’s a fantasy space opera.
It’s not supposed to be practical.
Hum… And Stargate is any different?
I’m going to go with yes. Since unlike Star Wars, Stargate has multiple enemies and is closer to Star Trek with its episodic nature. Although some(ok, most) of the enemies are based on ancient fantasy characters, I would say that what actually makes them different is simply technology as opposed to any legitimate magic powers(the force). I think that easily takes it from fantasy into Science Fiction. Perhaps this argument loses support when it comes to the ORI. But what about the wraith, the goauld, the ancients, the Jaffa, the tokra, the nox, the replicators, and the Asgard?