Why the fuck is this candidate for the leadership of the Liberal party using Trump’s Putin supplied right wing grievance political talking points?
What does that have to do with my comment or with what she said?
Let’s not give a platform to those (or corporations) that are undeserving of it. That’s all.
Then again, you could say that about the whole buy Canadian movement.
I’ll post whatever the fuck I choose to post.
That’s true, but it’s also a bit traitorous given the current situation.
The fact that she told Maher anything is why she’s not appropriate for PM.
Trudeau did overdo it a bit. She may even had had her cabinet position over it, and as the US’s favorite CIA agent getting US media coverage is not good for Canada.
Her firm Ukrainian allegiances is the dead wrong path for Canada. The big crossroads for NATO colonies in face of Trump is extreme subservience to beg US for continued war on Russia, in exchange for more war and isolationism for China, along with CIA direction even as explicit presidential extortion demands self destruction and propping up US empire for a few extra years. The better choice is rejection of CIA enemies list, and resistance to US empire, and that means a more united world. Freeland’s programming is incapable of doing the best for Canada.
It’s incredible, watching the good people of the Fediverse, navel gaze, after having watched the united states fall to the fascists, and not once, consider, their progressive politics, are not what the majority of any citizens of any Western nation truly want. not once. this is the it’s not me it’s the kids who are wrong meme, continually played out. except for all the reciprocal global tariffs, eventual global economic recession, russian ascension, ukraine losing, canada/mexico/europe isolating, destitution, famine, civil and nuclear war on offer, because the far left “progressive” politics of every micro cause is equal to every macro cause, is a loser across the board, people hate it, they won’t vote for it, and once they have, they go hard the other way. This will continue to amaze me as I watch the reactions online, right up until Donald Trump cuts off the open and free Internet, and the electricity stops working.
Imagine writing this about the civil rights movement or women’s suffrage were they unpopular and maybe you’ll see how ghoulish you sound.
Also, they are threatening those things as well they’re just calling them “DEI” so you basically are writing that right now.
Progressive politics are not what young white men want. Everyone else is dying for them. Have you looked at the polling?
Yes. Excellent. Stop pretending to be progressives and confusing everyone. Move right, and split the conservative vote for once.
Also known as the Kamala Harris strategy: punch left and hug a war criminal.
That’s the thing…it’s not a winning strategy. Canada has resoundingly rejected Donald Trump and his bullshit. How can embracing that possibly lead to a victory?
They’ve rejected Donald Trump because it’s not their bullshit. They’ll happily take Canadian grown bullshit.
See the recent election where Doug Ford somehow won.
He’s handing out crumbs to dumb people while looting the province on behalf of his wealthy friends and donors but KaThLeEn WyNnE bAd!
Are you joking right now? Canada is dealing with Trump by electing Big Strong Tough Men.
Like Chrystia Freeland?
No, like Danielle Smith.
The only big strong tough man in the running is Singh.
Ontario’s gonna write in “Doug Ford”
I went to my local hospital on Friday and signed over my $200 Doug Ford vote buying cheque to the hospital foundation. That’s where my money should have gone, not to trying to buy my vote.
Well, less of them, but the rest won’t show up on election day so it won’t matter.
“I am an old-school Liberal,” said Freeland. “And Liberals in Canada win when we are focused on people and on what they need in their lives.”
Call me crazy, but this is what I am looking for in literally every politician.
If you are worried about “virtue signalling” and “identity politics”, you are NOT looking out for the average Canadian, you are just navel gazing and playing politics.
Someone talking about UBI, housing cost and availability, living wages, addressing climate change and food insecurity - THAT is looking out for the average Canadian.
You mean like Gould?
“I’m old-school” just means “I’m afraid of rocking the boat and have a hard time adjusting and adapting my views as time wears on. It’s ok, I’m financially isolated from needing to worry about those issues.”
The Liberals might not actively grow evil, but the only time they do anything address it, either, is when thr NDP forces them to.
I just won’t have virtues to signal.
Lack-of-virtue signalling.
In other words, allow persecution of chosen scapegoats.
Why the fuck is this candidate for the leadership of the Liberal party using Trump’s Putin supplied right wing grievance political talking points?
To get elected. That’s her job. As much as I like it, the carbon tax is a third rail - saying she’ll ditch it is an effective way to get elected.
Canadians are worried about pocket book issues right now. Politicians are right to focus on those. Presumably they’ll stay the course on trans issues when they make it in (as much as they are now). But centering a campaign on that would be a recipe for family.