The White House has directed the State and Treasury Departments to draft a proposal for lifting some U.S. sanctions on Russia as part of Trump’s effort to restore ties and end the Ukraine war.
The proposal could ease restrictions on select Russian entities and oligarchs, though it’s unclear what the U.S. would receive in return.
Trump has signaled openness to sanctions relief despite previously threatening harsher measures.
Talks between U.S. and Russian officials have intensified, with economic cooperation, including rare earth minerals, emerging as a key topic.
Both Putin and Trump are 80s relics and so it matters little how much the wor[l]d has changed, the cold war facet applies to the blindly pro-russian stance of Trump.
Of all the stances to take, this one is insane. Almost every violent conflict has shades of gray, nuance rather than unambiguous good and bad. The Ukraine-Russia conflict is one of those supremely rare straightforward ones where Russia is just straight up the bad guys.
If china is about to kill you economy, who gives a damn about Russia?b
And u clearly have no historical knowledge of that conflict.