That is so but the German Reich as an entity still exists but completely lost his people and all state organs, institutions and public authorities. Technically is still has land, that is occupied by FRG and Poland today.
There are some Germans that think they can declare themselves citizens of the German Reich. But that can’t be as there are no authorities of the German Reich anymore that can conduct immigration processes.
Well, they essentially do that. Regularly, blue Deutsches Reich passports are found among the so called Reichsbürger. However, it is not considered ‘immigration’, since as they are German nationals natives they are not immigrating into the German empire.
That is somewhat true, yet following the theory of continued existence (Fortbestandstheorie), as both German states on German ground united into the BRD, the BRD is no longer only partially identical with the German empire, but subject-identical.
That is so but the German Reich as an entity still exists but completely lost his people and all state organs, institutions and public authorities. Technically is still has land, that is occupied by FRG and Poland today.
There are some Germans that think they can declare themselves citizens of the German Reich. But that can’t be as there are no authorities of the German Reich anymore that can conduct immigration processes.
What if they declare themselves as an immigration officer and print up themselves some citizenship papers?
Just because you declare to be someone doesn’t make you that someone. ;-)
comes to mind.
Well, they essentially do that. Regularly, blue Deutsches Reich passports are found among the so called Reichsbürger. However, it is not considered ‘immigration’, since as they are German
nationalsnatives they are not immigrating into the German empire.That is somewhat true, yet following the theory of continued existence (Fortbestandstheorie), as both German states on German ground united into the BRD, the BRD is no longer only partially identical with the German empire, but subject-identical.