Yeah, that would make any kind of political speech practically impossible. Activism? Nope, out of the question. Creative artistic expression? Better watch out for the thought police.
We don’t need “best behavior,” that would be so incredibly boring.
His out of touch suggestion is completely incompatible with democracy.
The United States already prosecutes many activists as terrorists, or at least tries to charge them. All this would do is turn that up to eleven.
Here’s a very recent example of just that.
I take comfort in the fact that Oracle hasn’t been able to release new products. They’re basically a legal team wrapped around their existing software.
That said, fuck this guy.
I agree wholeheartedly Larry so let’s start with monitoring the sex dungeon where you keep the abducted kids locked up, you fucking bootlicking Orwellian psychopath.
Never liked this guy. And Oracle DB has always kinda sucked.
And that’s their only “good” product.
The rest is utter garbageware, designed for one purpose: to check boxes on RFPs.
Java was nice for the time. Same with MySQL.
MySQL was acquired by Sun Microsystems, which was also the original developer of Java. Oracle acquired Sun. So I’d say any niceness there is in spite of, not because of, Oracle.
Also… Java’s still pretty nice :-)