I had the same card number for ~15 years, then it changed for reasons I forget (same bank, and actually changed more than once). I can still remember the old number. I have no idea what the new one is.
Memorizing card number, CCV/CVC and expiration date for potentially multiple cards every few years is a bit too much imo. And if I memorized one digit wrong I’m fucked.
Why don’t you have your cards stored in a password manager
Last line of defense. If I have to get up and get the card, I have one more chance to rationalize if its an impulse buy.
Also, a password manager, like Notepad?
No. You use MS Paint and make a wallpaper with all your passwords on it.
As I’ve noted in previous comments, I keep my logins and credit card info in the narrative section of my recipe blog. 15 years and not a single hack.
I didn’t read that can you just provide a link to the end?
A password manager like 1password or bitwarden
Sorry, badly executed joke there. Based unfortunately on reality. Plain text files and Post-It notes to manage security.
Know you’re getting fired? Show up early to work and remove all the post-its from the cubical hell. Bring a lighter and burn them in the bathroom.
Or KeePassXC!
Keep ass. That’s all I see when I see that mentioned.
Or just memorize your card number like I do
0 118 999 88199 9119 725
Man me and the boys used to sing that song all the time and wait an uncomfortably long time to add the 3 for dramatic effect.
Still know the song i guess
I had the same card number for ~15 years, then it changed for reasons I forget (same bank, and actually changed more than once). I can still remember the old number. I have no idea what the new one is.
And that’s fine if you use only 1 or 2 cards. Past that and it gets a little much for most people.
Memorizing card number, CCV/CVC and expiration date for potentially multiple cards every few years is a bit too much imo. And if I memorized one digit wrong I’m fucked.
Lots of credit card entry systems are designed to resist autofill, maybe for liability reasons. I find it’s worse on mobile.
Jesus, it’s only 16 digits long.