I don’t think Canada needs the Euro or the Stability and Growth Pact straightjacket. We also don’t need European xenophobic attitudes towards immigration.
Let’s have a customs union, and let’s have closer integration and cooperation, but let’s keep our independence.
Signed, a dual citizen.
Yeah works for me.
Membership of the #EU is a long term project with many intermediate steps. Some decided they are fine with a certain step and stay on it(Norway) some decided to get off completley(Iceland) and some decided to get out after they were in(UK). Though I admit brexit was, unnecessarily, bitter the rift is healing and we enjoy good relations with all.
Tough I’d welcome Canada into the union I dont think either side fully grasp how deep and wideranging ascension would be. Regardless I’m perfectly fine with a customs union if thats what #Canada wants.
I would support stronger ties to Canada, but Canada is not exactly in Europe
So are many parts of the Netherlands or France, for example
Local residents are not Europeans, they don’t necessarily even use euro despite their mainland countries doing just that, but they are residents of the European Union.
True, but ‘being in the EU’ is actually not that simple, and these territories have special statuses and and are not part of the ‘core EU’. Here is a simple visualization
What if we just take Canada and move it over a little?
Thinking outside the
boxcontinent. I like it
Why would that matter? It’s a political and economical union, not a geographical one.
As the parliament says
In order to apply for EU membership, a country has to be European and respect the EU’s democratic values
Since according to Article 49
The applicant country must […] be a European state;
Why would this be surprising given the state of things?
This is going to be so funny for Britain.
Capitalists are gonna have a meltdown when we’ll have to implement the 4 weeks minimum paid vacation, banked overtime with a yearly limit, bretter minimum wage, tougher regulations on food and environment protection. Etc.
Fun fact, Canadians can legislate these things on our own, without having to also adopt a whole bunch of European dysfunction.
I’ll probably get called entitled, but even 3 weeks isn’t enough, and I know that’s more than many people get.
You’re being reasonable.
You’re not entitled, your advocating for yourself and others. Work should not be our whole lives.
It’s ridiculous. And 2 days of paid sick days per year? Like wrf
Ya, I bet those aren’t the people in favour.
Yet i can get behind this framework as something good for the population. It’s like a NDP program but more realistic and with economic growth with our peers as a target.
This year (most years) i will vote Liberal but i did vote NDP on and off in the past and my circumscription changes from red to orange often in the last two decades.
I’m still voting NDP. We can still get a minority liberal government with a strong NDP coalition.
I’ve always been an NDP voter but my anxiety about Cons winning might push a liberal vote from me this time. I don’t love it, but I am also just terrified.
It’s a shame really. I’m not a fan of PP by any means. But he’s right when he says it’s going to be more of the same, i fear.
Fucking worth the extra taxes. The EU isn’t perfect, but they’re still sane enough to back.
Taxes actually save you money.
We need stronger ally relationships, considering things are going south with our Southern ally!
That would be the craziest shit to be honest, but I sure welcome you all!
Fuck yeeeah!
Cmon Eddies!
It won’t happen
not with that attitude