It’s only logical it’ll go up in search trend when something is banned but regardless it doesn’t change the fact they can and will use your data to make profile to sell. Idk why people upset and downvoting like I said something grotesque
It’s only logical it’ll go up in search trend when something is banned but regardless it doesn’t change the fact they can and will use your data to make profile to sell. Idk why people upset and downvoting like I said something grotesque
Is this not them admitting they know your search history to a categorical sense? L data mining
The economics of a social platform relies on growth over time and Lemmy is growing at the perfect pace because it’s not a single entity but a collaborative entity.
Once bigger federations break through to the mainstream market you’ll see the relevance of smaller federations growing along with it as it becomes a ‘bigger’ ecosystem
Mentioned in the comment section below what is necessary for community growth and it doesn’t require millions, only a few hundred active members.
When an individual tells you they are crazy, It’s best to trust them on that judgement
Assuming these prices are ideal for a solar grid, which EU country(s) would have the highest chance of shifting towards solar; I wonder
Appreciate the explanation, I do understand the sentiment that it is a very apparent observation based on a few different factors but that wasn’t what I was trying to bring to surface, simply wanted to say Proton is not the friendliest provider if you wanted anonymity.
I even appreciate their joke about “censored government” but hey to all their own.