“Well, I also was good at finding faults in anyone who were trying to improve some things and attack them for not improving all things.”
People picking leaves off plants and damaging them is clearly shitty, and I can see why they would prevent “no it fell off by itself honest” as an excuse.
You think Humans aren’t pumping out 100% derivative works all the time?
Don’t worry. I don’t think that.
A big hope I have for AI is that 100% derivative work by humans is now easier to call out. If a rock with a 9V battery could produce it, why should we value it?
That’s shitty. It effectively removes the ability to communicate in anything but English.
E.g. some frequently used words that are non-slurs: fag (nordics, meaning class/course), retard (french train stations will display this when trains are delayed). Living in Norway, I have frequently been frustrated when MMOs wouldn’t let me talk to friends in my native language without censoring or even handing out bans.
I see the point you are trying to make, but have you considered the criminal US actions in Syria and how the US has evil imperial powers proxy wars and love nazis and make wars happen?
In conclusion: Whatever it is that you said, US bad, therefore you wrong.
Randomness can give novel combinations, sure, but we shouldn’t call than an original idea.
As for the various ways humans come up with original ideas, they are based on a level of reflection, reasoning and thought processing. We know that’s not possible for an LLM: while they are complex in their details, the way they work is very well defined. They imitate.
This concerns me:
stories of 100,000+ words from a single prompt
An LLM excels at making passable derivative work. It does not, by definition, come up with original ideas.
What are you going to do with 100,000+ words of 100% derivative writing where anything potentially original can be summed up in a prompt of a few dozen words?
Will this be published or sold somewhere? Undercutting or crowding out original works?
Why is this reported on as if King Charles or anyone else in Britain should give a shit?
True. More targeted measures than EMP are possible.
An EMP is expensive and instananeous, caused by a nuclear or high explosive bomb. They are suited to active offense more than passive defense.
Non-nuclear has a max range of 1 mile-ish.
If a drone travels 30 mph, you’d have to detonate a high explosive warhead above your command center every minute to maintain a protective field of sorts.
Give me an A! L! B! U! …
Toilet schmoilet. Imma fling a poo through the flaming ring. See if I can hit the announcer.
Durdy boy didn’t share his recipe, but I’m pretty sure it was a 100% “lard” soap.
This was 640 grams of olive oil, 160 grams coconut oil. (Roughly close to 640/160ml or 24/6 ounces.)
According to people who make a lot of soap, olive oil is gentler for the skin. A soap type called “Castille soap” is 100% olive oil and makes a silky, some say slimy, lather with no foam.
Coconut oil adds hardness and nice foam to the soap, so I’m hoping to catch the best of both effects with this one.
Happy to be of service! Here’s a mildly confused cat. Hope it aids you in your trek through cyberspace.
“We didn’t use to have mental issues back then. We had a lot of people drinking themselves to death and stuff but I fail to see any relation here.”