Milei has already claimed that title.
Milei has already claimed that title.
Microwaving some leftovers might be an option. You get the great food you put effort into making, without actually having to make the effort at lunchtime.
General purpose: Kebab case
But really, follow the conventions of what you’re working on. For example, I’d use pascal case when working on a Java/Kotlin project, and snake case when working on a Python project.
Average 350k according to
I was expecting higher for principal tbh
I don’t know if it matches your desire for easy install of small disk space, but it might make up for it in other arenas - Ruby is my new-found love when making simple scripts. Being able to mostly emulate the shell integration that bash has by just using backticks to call a shell command is the killer feature in my book.
I’m sure they make enough money to not care. Being in the part of the company that brings in the dough is generally a pretty good position to be in as well.
While Rust would probably have been a good choice for implementing a new browser, I don’t think Swift deserves the criticism it’s getting in this thread:
Healthcare is pretty rough, I’d be willing to bet that the grass actually is greener in this case.
Should have say: self-hosting is always superior to cloud hosting.
That statement still comes with a pretty damn big caveat though - you need to have the know-how, the time to invest and the hardware (i.e money) to actually set something like this up.
If all of those are true, then self-hosting can definitely be an attractive option for you.
It’s only true for a vanishingly small fraction of the population, though.
Hence, Bitwarden is a pragmatic solution that will be superior for the vast majority of the population.
Also, local software and database is always superior to cloud.
Now there’s an unfounded blanket statement if I ever saw one.
Bitwarden is probably a more pragmatic choice for most users, given that it’s free and without having to manage the syncing yourself.
Any password manager is better than the alternative, though.
Naturally. If you don’t have enough water to sweat then you’re in trouble at pretty low temperatures in relative terms.
You have to have wet bulb temperatures approaching body temperature for it to actually become lethal - you can still lose heat through perspiration if the humidity is not high enough.
Ambient temperatures of 36-37 C don’t immediately mean game over.
I mean, don’t leave half your meal lying around on the plate, for sure. Dispose of your food in the manner most appropriate if you’re not going to eat it, and then allow the dishwasher to deal with whatever is stuck to the plate.
Pods leave the first cycle without any detergent. Having powder allows you to provide detergent for both cycles - as intended - your dishwasher will work even better.
Properly used dishwashers do not require pre-rinsing. It’s a waste to do so.
I believe TC made a video calling out the inadequacy of liquid dishwasher detergent, and having made the switch to powder I have to say that I agree. I used to get discoloration building up on coffee mugs with the liquid stuff, this went away right away when switching to powder.
South Park fell off for me right when Trump got elected. The world just got too absurd for South Park to properly make fun of at that point, I suspect.
It baffles me that people actually take these assertions seriously, especially after having used different software that uses voice input, like Siri, Google Assistant, Alexa or whatever. Those things make some serious mistakes even under ideal circumstances, and you want me to believe that they can accurately overhear things in non-ideal circumstances? I highly doubt it.
Regardless, you can use an ad blocker to make this a moot point - I’ve never experienced anything even close to this, because I never get ads.