• 2 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • I don’t think that there is a tactical thought to people wanting to vandalize Teslas. I think that there is a true sense of helplessness on not being able to do anything to stop these fuckers. So in in the place of something more substantial the anger and frustration is being taken out on something associated with musk

    Is it right? Probably not. Is it understandable, yes

  • So if this passes then the next bill will be to force all women that marry to change their last name to reflect their husbands last name. This, of course will be part of a larger bill to outlaw gay marriage.

    And then when women decide to protest this by not getting married there will be an economic bill that will be passed that states unmarried women will be taxed at a higher rate - and they will use the excuse that we need to shore up the “traditional family” to fight against all this “God-less liberal brainwashing”.

  • The non-maga population and the left don’t have any leadership. They have representatives in federal and state offices but they are really not leaders. The media may call them leaders but are they though? Does anyone really look to Chuck Schumer or Peolsi and say “Yes, these people are motivating me to step out of my comfort zone and do whats best for the country.” NOPE.

    There are some people in power that are being vocal and I think that is great, but honestly they haven’t moved the needle to amping up the base to go out and protest, to support a general strike or any other disruption that will make an impression on the powers that be. The non-trumpers and left need, desperately, strong vocal leadership that goes to the people, draws on the fear and anger and uses the energy that comes from that to build a solid resistance.

  • It’s a great thought experiment to get us to think about what is truly important -

    No one is going to answer “work more” or “continue to conform to other’s expectations of me.” or any other thing that we are taught to believe are important.

    Sure having some savings is important, your health is important (except maybe not so much in this instance), but really life is about experiencing life not creating shareholder value or working hard to blend into the crowd just to make other people less uncomfortable.

    I know I went off on a tangent, I do that often. But I’ve been thinking more about how in the west we are taught aggressively from a young age what is deemed important (work, money, prestige, name brand things, etc) and what is frivolous (hobbies, family, friends, etc) and then people wonder why life sucks. It doesn’t suck, it’s that you are trying to conform to something that goes against your true nature.

    To answer the question: travel, spend time with people I love, play video games, eat more cheeseburgers, drink more beer.

  • I’m wondering where are the big names in the Democratic party and the left?

    There is a palpable atmosphere of fear coming from a large population in America and there is silence from the “opposition” party. Why isn’t Obama and Michelle organizing and speaking at rallies? Why aren’t other prominent Democratic leaders not trying to rally support for a genuine resistance. Not the resistance of 2016, which I feel failed due to no true national leadership from the Democratic party.

    Maybe this is happening and I just don’t see it, but it sure feels like the national Democratic leaders and influencers just threw up their hands and said “well, we’ve tried nothing and we are all out of ideas. You’re on your own to figure it out. But remember, if your leaderless pent up fear and anger turns to violence we won’t support you.”