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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • Ya know how therea books of short stories by authors or a collection of authors?

    You should totally do that with the numerous multimonth ADHD hperfixation learning binges you have gone on.

    But just write like just write out from memory as if it was a short story.

    Could collect from others like yourself and create anthologies of remembered knowledge. Like reviving or recreating an oral history like many people did in times of old

  • Company called vinfast opened up next to tesla in my town. Never heard of them so i checked it out and they have a battery subscription option which was interesting to me, if its like propane tank exchange systems it could be interesting, since its the battery that seems to be the. Biggest concern for people having to replace down the line. Would make a lot of sense for heavy use situations(delivery, sales that travel a lot etc and burn through leases regularily)

  • Not a single person in the entire history of vehicles has ever bought a truck and said man this vehicles geometry is so efficient what a good purchase ive made.

    And where are you getting this about instant death shapes?

    Look ive probably driven more kms than you in the last decade. Maybe not but i certainly am in the bracket or 2 below long haul drivers. In my professional career as well as my personal vehicle history ive never hit a pedestrian, but even if i did there are vehicles significantly worse than this one that have been sold for decades.

    Its an interesting vehicle. Its just unlike anything else that is a consumer vehicle today.

    I agree its ugly. It is a great excecution of an idea. Ive been a fan of sci fi and cyberpunk for 30+ years and this vehicle is exactly that. Its a vehicle i never thought anyone would ever make and its also and electric vehicle. That last bit alone is significantly important.

    Many vehicles have problems. This vehicle deserves the failure it has earned.

    Its a vehicle that should have beem almost impossible for its build and production to be worse than its curb appeal. yet musk in his musky ways musked it up damned good.

    Talk to a Countach owner. They are awful vehicles by lambo standards or even any half way decent performance vehicle. Yet they are also beloved. The DeLorean is hilariously similar to the cybertruck yet a single movie turned that heap into an absolute icon.

    Are you incapable of believing that what you see is not the whole picture? That people can be attracted to something not because of what if fails at but how they feel about it?

    Are you a robot that cant understand the world you see and know is but a mere insignificant mote in the depth that is the world of reality and human experience?