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Cake day: June 17th, 2023

  • But if you elect judges the people might actually vote for someone who openly says they don’t think some laws are valid or should be upheld.

    Imagine if some teenager doesn’t get their life totally fucked because some 70 year old fascist fuckstick who was appointed in 1980 thinks every crime, no matter the magnitude or validity, should be met with the harshest of penalties possible! It would be chaos!

    (Basically the mindset of all US politicians and far too many normal people too. “Oh you stole candy? Sorry, penalty is death. You knew the law, scum!” “Moral country” btw. Look how the hogs and even libs have reacted to “progressive” DAs in some cities opting to not prosecute unnecessary petty crimes and instead going harder after crimes of violence including crimes committed by the police (like in Philly. And holllllly fuck do the cops and shitclown Governor hate the DA. People love it though. Objectively bettering things even if only slightly))

  • This just gives me a mental image of an insane ER doctor placing defibrillator pads on a recently deceased person and repeatedly delivering shocks even when the corpse gives no response and only pops up and down from the electrical jolts. The nurses are all crying and yelling that he’s gone. The doctor just keeps smirking and pushing the button while the skin sizzles. And the smell…

  • Scientists + people who would like a not-shit planet: “we gotta move on from oil and coal.”

    USA: “uh yeah sure. We’re working on that, even though it’s fake and also… too hard. Hmm. Maybe we just won’t.”

    China: “hey we’ve increased capacity to produce solar panels and they’re so good now that a lot of energy needs could easily be met…”

    Oil: “woah woah woah. Fake. Fake fake. Cloudy day?”

    Biden: " immediately clears throat into mic uh. Today. T-today. I told. President Xi. I told. Look, China has solar and. We need solar. But we need oil! Well, anyway. I told him, I said. The batteries on these electric cars. They use resources and China is, well, I shouldn’t say. Anyway. Tariffs, folks! By the way!.."

  • This dumbass is just dragging his own “reputation” at this point. Or, his wife/family/aids desperately clinging to power are anyway. (Talking about rep amongst the genocidal freaks who love him, not people who seem him for what he is)

    He’s gonna lose badly and the dems won’t even have a unified message of “those goddamn socialists did this! Over Gaza! Waaaah!” anymore. It’s pretty clear that tons of fully Zionist, racist as hell MFers, are demanding him he fuck off. Of course you’ll still see the terminally ill, online Reddit types blaming “tankies” but they are irrelevant. Amongst the actual narrative-writers and such they have daggers out for Biden and the easiest thing to do is, well, blame HIM if he somehow squeezes the nomination and then (of course) loses. I never want to underestimate the rat-like qualities of democrats though, so, it is still possible they lose and then all rotate to blaming the left again. When in doubt, blame that group who’s always correct and constantly making you feel bad- classic liberal mantra.

    If the libs really wanted to “own the left” they would swap in whoever, Kamala is easiest, and then if she loses then they can to full bore ass-ripping mode blaming the left for everything bad for the next four years and more. Of course it’s actually their fault for enabling/not rolling back, etc., but it’s an easier narrative to sell at this point than Biden, the rotting corpse, losing and blaming that on anyone other than the people propping up the corpse. Also we’ve been telling these dipshit motherfuckers to ditch Biden since… well, not counting before he got elected in 2020, since last year when the primaries started there’s been a constant drum of “kick the dead guy out. He’s exceptionally racist and sucks ass even by democratic party standards!”

  • So manning got sentenced to 35 years under Obama (pardoned after 7 served also by Obama… thanks Obama…)

    Assange was effectively imprisoned all this time and his official sentence is apparently going to be 5 years counting time served already so the feds get a “W” and now he can leave London finally

    I wonder how much time the people on video murdering Reuters reporters got… oh, zero. The only real response from Obama’s DoD was “🤷 looks legal, bub 🤷 what can we do? 🤷” The same shit they’ve always said. Same shit they run now to cover for Israeli war crimes. They literally justified the killing of the reporters by saying they were embedded with militants… simply because the “militants” had AKs. People in a non-US country had weapons, reporters were there for whatever reason, US kills all of them, and post-death just calls them all terrorists. Reuters took it too. They ate shit and never openly called out the DoD.

    Guess it’s just important to remember with all the recent insanity from Israel and US protecting the IOF, this is really just the same shit they always do

    Dogshit country where no good deed ever goes unpunished

  • Seems like shit!

    I like what the ublock origin creators/devs have to say about ads/adblocking

    It is important to note that using a blocker is NOT theft. Do not fall for this creepy idea. The ultimate logical consequence of blocking = theft is the criminalization of the inalienable right to privacy.

    Ads, “unintrusive” or not, are just the visible portion of the privacy-invading means entering your browser when you visit most sites. uBO’s primary goal is to help users neutralize these privacy-invading methodsin a way that welcomes those users who do not wish to use more technical means.

    From their Github

  • Wow, you have to have it chewed up and spit in your mouth like a baby bird?

    I don’t need further analysis or thinking. Whatever the CIA says might as well be appended to the glorious holy Bible and thus passes from CIA directly into my consciousness with zero resistance, zero errors, always present and fully accepted directly above my own consciousness.

    I’m fully jacked-in, assimilated, one of them.

    The CIA is truth. Their words are my memories.

    True freedom is never worrying that you’ve been lied to because you already know the truth.

    I am free.