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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: December 14th, 2023


  • Probably something like the smaller producers sold locally, governing their prices in part by what bigger producers set. Meanwhile, large producers could likely pay for the price discovery, individually or in a group, or they had many contacts which allowed them to have an idea of what would be fair. But it was likely the US was stealing quite a lot as middlemen, which can now be at least atenuated somewhat by having many people trading directly and perhaps even more “state help” to figure out good prices long term.

    I would be interested in understanding this better as well, and nice to see that the new system is already being used. Whoever is not using the new system yet will likely do the math to see how good it will be for them.

    Edit to add another point: Large producers would likely buy smaller local producers’ production as well in case the export price was good, so the smaller producers would increase their prices when they knew the bigger producers were buying a lot.

  • I guess there might have been some confusion from what I said to here.

    I never said the Ukrainian puppet regime would never do something like irradiating Russia and Europe by blowing up a nuclear power plant, I just said that if they were going to bomb a nuclear power plant, releasing a lot of nuclear materials, there was no reason for them to go out of their way to get more nuclear materials to throw at it as just blowing it up conventionally would already be spreading a lot of radiation and adding more would likely not even make a difference.

    So, either they would be attacking the nuclear power plant with conventional weapons or they would get nuclear materials to attack a city with a dirty bomb, but there is no need to attack a nuclear power plant with a dirty bomb as it is redundant and counter productive, so it might be that the news is either really bad propaganda or mistranslated/misreported.

  • The attack is intended to use radioactive warheads to target spent fuel storage sites at a nuclear power plant, and the ammunition has already been delivered to Zhovti Vody.

    Where do I even begin to talk about how dumb this is?

    It’s like saying you will make nerve agent just so you can bomb a nerve agent plant. It doesn’t make sense. Not even for the Ukrainian regime.

    I guess you could add extra radioatice stuff to make sure it to gets mixed with everything else at the target site, but if you just use normal shells/bombs you can at least claim it was a mistake, so I really don’t see how this makes sense as is.

    If they want to bomb a nuclear power plant normal bombs, perhaps bunker busters, sufice. There is no need to do any more than that.

    The only reason I can see for them to be searching for “radioactive materials” to target the plant it would be if they wanted spent uranium rounds, but that wouldn’t be used because it is radioactive but because it is “harder”.

    So, either this is some dumb propaganda piece, some even dumber plan, or some dumb reporting or translation on what should be really serious.

  • Just the other day I joked about Japan joining BRICS and this could be one step in that direction.

    Now I’m wondering what would be the first ex-US state to join. lol

    Either way, it will be interesting to see what happens with Taiwan as the US is turning its focus on China. Although unlikely I guess we can’t rule out conflict starting not because of Taiwan being used against China but due to Taiwan going back to China and the US not liking it, even if it takes a decade.

    It’s really hard to predict the future when things are so “chaotic”.

  • There’s not much reason for Russia to escalate directly since the status quo favors them already.

    While I agree with the overall idead of this statement, the US and its vassals seem to want to escalate very much even if Russia does nothing so I’m not sure if Russia not escalating is the best plan. It may be but it might not.

    However, arming proxies is a perfect response that can result in severe consequences for NATO without directly escalating the current crisis.

    I’d say this report by western media is already part of their escalation against any acts of Russian support to their advesaries by trying to get the population on board with whatever way they choose to escalate.

  • Considering Russia’s meek response to the west for their involvement in Ukraine so far I wasn’t really thinking they would do this, despite them saying they would, but I guess I might have been wrong them.

    Now what rests to see is what, if anything, was really sent there as I doubt they need AKs or ballistic missiles. So if such a transfer is as a response to the US them we might be seeing such things as:

    Anti-ship missiles (from slow things to things that can take down US navy ships)

    Cruise missiles (perhaps to attack the colonist entity directly and doing more damage than their last attack)

    Anti-air (the Yemenis have taken down a couple drones but they could use better gear for dealling with fighters)

    Ballistic missiles (if they want to have deniability of their use because the Yemenis already have some)

    Drones (because drones are never enough)

    Anything else that could be useful in their situation?