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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 14th, 2023


  • how many of the original Nazis who were gleefully killing civilians in Donbas are actually still around and managed to avoid being sent into the meatgrinder?

    They are being actively spared, actually. The 12 separate brigade - the notorious Azov neo-Nazi special forces have been chilling in forests near Kupiansk for a very long time doing virtually nothing, they are rarely asked to do shit, if ever. The 3rd separate brigade (also Azov Nazis) is just a TikTok media brigade - when they sent them to “stop the collapse in Avdeevka” they straight up refused and ran.

    Something something paper tigers. This human filth can only larp and harass the unarmed

  • “America deserved 9/11”

    Doesn’t mean that everyone in the towers deserved to be blown up or crushed. Also - the more you kill, the more Amerika’s got to show for their public to manufacture consent for the wars.

    So yes Ukraine needs to lose most of their power grid

    That’s not the thing people criticized you for - I think this point is rather obvious to everyone (myself included), no one was disagreeing with it.

    And I love how you bad faith people come here and put words in my mouth

    I am pretty sure no one’s been making bad faith arguments. It’s more like someone’s got backlash and instead of doing selfcrit decided to double down.

    I’d rather it be a Ukrainian civilian than a Russian one. I’d rather neither die but I don’t live in the world of rather, I live in the real world

    You are contradicting yourself. Is it the world of rather or not the world of rather?

    Also - you’ve mentioned several times how it’s all Ukrainian civilians’ fault. THAT is a bad faith argument. You know, whatever fault there can be ascribed - western civilians are a zillion times more guilty, judging by that logic. Thing is - they’ll get away with it scot-free, and we’re already paying with our lives. Funny how that works.

  • This. Thank you for pointing this out, comrade.

    When you attack civilians, it makes those who are finally starting to open their fucking eyes, to doubt the Banderite propaganda to go “nah, they were right all along, Imma go ahead and give myself up to the grinder”.

    Say what you want about Putin or the military commanders, but it’s clear they are conducting operations to make sure their losses are minimal. And sure, Western capitalist propaganda will still smear them into the ground with false-flag psyops and Bucha-style atrocity propaganda, however… There’s no reason to give these fucks ammo, to do the job for them. The entire Global South is watching this - they are seeing Russia as the rational actor, or at least a lot more rational. Compare that to the West and their full-throttle support for Palestinian genocide.

  • What. Are. You. Talking about? Nah… Of course we deserve to be wiped out. What are you, some sort of a tankie or what?

    There’s very little equivalence between the Palestinians and non-Nazi Ukrainians, I want to make it very, very clear. But… There are two kinda similar things to point out: 1) both are being sacrificed on the altar of US capitalism and Western imperialism (in very different ways, but still) and 2) the US can end the suffering in both cases with a snap of a finger (it’s more complicated than that, I know - in theory at least).

    Speaking of number 2 - we’ve seen massive anti-genocide protests in the West, something I’m very happy about. Why? I’d say because it’s not easy to paint the genocide in Gaza in any different sort of way. Yet we don’t see a lot of anti-war protests when it comes to ending military support for the Ukroreich, except for occasional meetings here and there, or dedicated peace activists storming Bernie “Zionist apologist” Sanders’ office. But hey, let’s primarily blame the proles of a puppet state and leave out this bit.

  • I’m sorry, but this is a bit fucked up, and at the very least naive and idealistic.

    they should have stood up in 2014

    First of all - many of them did. Secondly - the vast majority of the people did not realize that a coup was taking place. And they were genuinely angry at the government in Kiev at that time, which was corrupt af - that is how the majority of color revolutions happen.

    It is the fault of the Ukrainian people for not resisting their government’s coup to fascism

    Perhaps. Although I’d say it’s sort of hard to do when you have unarmed masses of the people against well-trained death squads who have weapons with live ammo and full US/CIA backing. The people of Mariupol might tell you a thing or two after expelling the Banderites in May 2014. If only it were that easy.

    You know what I was doing in 2014, for instance? Spending an entire year in a psychiatric hospital - I got hospitalized with stress-related anxiety disorder, lots of details, I won’t go into them. Point being - I missed it entirely. I didn’t even know what was going on at the time. And no, I’m not absolving myself of all responsibility - at the very least I should not have been apolitical almost my entire life. But I’ll tell you this - there’s a shit ton of people who missed the events of 2014 simply because they were too preoccupied with their miserable lives.

    For being good little liberals who passively let it happen.

    Need I remind you that 73% of the people voted for Zelensky in 2019, primarily because he promised to end the war in the Donbass and normalize relations with Russia? Again, it’s not like people all of a sudden want war. Keep them in the dark and in poverty long enough - and they will have no time to read a single book in years, let alone become class conscious and politically active.

    its people suffering is just… I don’t care.

    Gee, thanks a lot. Easy to say when you have no skin in the game.

    because of Ukrainians who didn’t stand up

    It never worked that way. You place the brunt of responsibility on those who have no power in the game. The Nazis did not come to power because the German people voted them in - they were forced into power. And sure, there is a certain degree of responsibility, I’ll give you that - but then again, remind me kindly - who did all the dirty work behind the scenes? Who was instigating ethnic separatism in the USSR? Who nurtured those Banderite Nazis for 50+ years in their backyard (Canada) and then started sending them in after 1991? Who invested billions of dollars re-educating the local population into being liberals - something I can attest to myself, being a product of the education system? Who impoverished said country, first with shock therapy in 1990s and then with subsequent IMF loans? Who instigated two color revolutions in a single decade? Who couped the government in 2014? Who supported the Nazis every single step of the way, gave them those shiny weapons to terrorize the people in Donbass, gave them intel and diplomatic cover, built CIA bases and biolabs to test all sorts of stuff?