Check out Optimistic Nihilism.
Note: they dropped the 360. It’s just Autodesk Fusion now.
When one hard-boiled officer by the name of Benedict was asked to comment about the egg poaching, he said, “I don’t think this theft will go over easy.”
I do play games, but I also work on creative projects and watch shows/movies on my computer. I use Illustrator to create typeface designs, graphic design for laser cutting or stickers, 3D modeling and slicing programs for my 3D printer, Google Docs for writing, coding for Raspberry Pi and Arduino projects, et al.
Thinking about it more, we also encountered it in literature classes.
I picked up a book on mythology in the summer before 9th grade in California in the 90s, but formal lessons on mythology were included in some history classes and in my high school Latin class.
It does take a commitment because they have good memories so if they get used to you feeding them, they’ll continue to expect it and they train their younger generations to recognize you. That means having consistent sources of food for them and feeling guilty when you forget to bring crow treats with you when you’re outside. They might also start to follow anyone who they see you with, expecting that they too will have treats.
That said, it’s great to have crow friends. They follow me around the neighborhood and at work. It makes me feel like a druid with animal familiars. I’ve had crows swoop and squawk at a dog that was barking at me and my dog. The crows left me a stone in the bird bath that they use in my yard.
He showed up again today:
“Okay, I switched to Linux, now I’m getting this error message: _______.”
“Install ______.”
“It gives me this error now: ______.”
“You have to update the _____ library first.”
“It won’t let me.”
“You have to use sudo.”
“It tells me to clone the git via the command line, but git says verifying login from command line isn’t supported any more.”
“You’re following seven year old instructions.”
“They’re the only instructions I can find.”
“You should switch to this other flavor of Linux.”
How about:
I wasn’t creeped out while watching a true crime documentary on TV late one night about a brutal murder until they showed a picture of the crime scene and the victim. It was a picture of me in my living room and the TV was showing a true crime documentary.