Sounds like you’re externally motivated.
I like American music. Do you like American music? I like American music, too.
Other versions of me:
Sounds like you’re externally motivated.
Is this a backdoor to legitimizing AI art?
In any case, no, the creative agent is the one responsible for the art.
ZZT is officially freeware these days, too! The last original floppy was purchased about five years ago, and afterwards Sweeney declared the program officially free to use, though sadly not open-source. I believe it has been successfully decompiled for over a decade, though.
People are still making games using it! When I get a bit more free time I want to polish up and republish the ones I made.
like incel, but for technogarchs
or “technogarch”, I guess
The story is it was extremely boring. Hearing two or three people say the same thing over and over for hours, no breaks, no food. A ten-hour day and we didn’t even make minimum wage.
I did get within groping distance of both Gwenyth Paltrow and Jake Gyllenhaal, though.
Yeah, that’s why basically everyone in the restaurant industry has ADHD or adjacent.
Paid extra in a movie. Worst $80 I’ve ever earned.
In descending order:
House in the city
Apartment in the city
Cabin in the mountains
Homeless in the city
Homeless in the mountains
Japanese-style coffin capsule
♾️. Anything in suburbia
not just slavery, modern practices like redlining also kept people physically separate until very recently and some form of it still are practiced today
There’s a whole community around self-made games using the editor that came with it, including a website full of games and a forum. A few years back one of us published a book about the community (and how we all turned out trans).
ZZT, the game that launched Epic. Say, there’s gotta be a ZZT community somewhere on lemmy, right?
before taxes
the secret is simple: no car. It’s a huge expense and in a city like Chicago, completely unnecessary. I never would’ve been able to buy a home with that millstone around my financial neck
I’m a waitress, I make about 60K USD give or take 5K. It varies significantly throughout the year, though. In Chicago, that’s enough to support a family of five.
Damn, I don’t even need to edit to make you look bad.
What’s your opinion on the designated hitter rule in professional baseball?
Isn’t it? How often would you guess it works for me?
Playing videogames “for ten minutes” to give myself a break from frustration.
bottlecaps from local breweries
It means the impetus that drives you to improve yourself or even maintain yourself comes from other people, rather than self-regulation.
In your case, social status, specifically social approval from women you find attractive.
There’s nothing wrong with that. Sounds like you just need to maintain contact with those types of people to stay motivated. Shouldn’t be too hard to arrange.