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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: August 24th, 2023

  • I tried doing a dual boot to Mint awhile back, I did the mint backup at the start like it suggests, changed some things, broke it, restored from the backup thinking it was great id already made one, and broke the WHOLE pc.

    I had to pull the battery on the BIOS to get it to go beyond a black screen when turning on.

    It was terrible.

    It seem to recall at the time recommendations about not doing dual boot, and if you wanted to dual boot, remove the main OS drive when you install Linux. Then put it back in.

  • I’m sure he could have done more than he did. Ultimately, they didn’t think Trump would win and didn’t fight back hard enough because they were worried about the backlash that might cause on the upcoming election.

    Now, Republicans have shown that they won’t allow votes in the last year, but only if the dems have the presidency. It also set the precedent that they can even do that in the first place.

    I guarantee you someone who needs replacing further out than a year will now be denied in the future for some other bullshit reason.

    Edit: here’s my worst outcome guess. For all future terms where the dems hold the presidency, but not the senate, all future SC nomination votes will be denied since congress and the presidency is conflicted and we can’t have a vote while it’s in conflict.

  • I feel like something like https://www.storj.io/ is on the path to what we would want/need?

    There might be some additional requirements for a true CDN to ensure data is closer to where it’s needed and in as many regions as needed though with the right amount of bandwidth. The data gets stored all over the place, but that doesn’t mean its optimal. But they do seem to claim it’s faster on their website…

    Edit: For those not wanting to click, TLDR is they use excess storage around the world and make it accessible anywhere, and safe from failures. People with excess storage can join the network if they have enough storage/bandwidth and pass some tests. Their API is S3 compatible.

  • Exactly: the same signal. If the electronics controlling it receive one input from the steering wheel and a different input from the self-driving computer, are you sure it will prioritize the steering wheel input in every single possible circumstance? 'Cause I’m not!

    That’s an interesting point there, but have you considered that even with a mechanical link and current safety features, it can still override you? I unfortunately almost drove into someone at very low speeds in a dark rainy parking lot, but the cars safety systems overrode me thankfully. I don’t think they would have been injured it was so slow, but just to show that nowadays with cars you don’t always have full control. In that case it was the brakes not steering, but modern cars can and will prevent you from changing lanes into someone in your blind spot for example.

    All of it, mechanical link or not, ultimately comes down to software now, and I’m not sure there would be any real difference between your steering wheel input overriding a self driving system with or without a mechanical link. Putting torque on the wheel while in these semi self driving modes disables the self driving features, but that’s software that disables it when you take over. What if that software failed and you were now fighting the self driving car also trying to steer and as you tried to steer it put equal power against you thinking the steering was rough?

    Also with steer by wire if there is a catastrophic failure, turning the wheel will simply do nothing. E.g if both motors simultaneously die, or somehow all 3 signal wires at the steering wheel are cut. Edit: I believe it’s dual battery redundant as well, so the HV and 48v would both need to die to kill steering.