Procapra [comrade/them, she/her]

I enjoy various types of antelope…and Stalin…and Mao

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Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: April 14th, 2024


  • Good post. We often “know” something to be right without being able to explain why it’s right. This would disqualify us from being proper teachers and is not a dialectical approach, but its something many of us get stuck at and its an explanation for what you are observing. I also find myself in this position so consider this a self crit.

    This is probably why folks view marxists as dogmatic, those of us that haven’t successfully shifted our lens from rationalism to materialism largely rely on the heads of marxism to guide us forward taking their word as an absolute fact. It’s a crutch. I do not trust any opinions I form on my own in regards to socialist analysis, I make too many errors, so I take the great men at their word. They liberated the working class in their parts of the world after all, if we just listen to what they said we can be great too.

    I hope that more reading will help, but I’ve met some very well read people who have a similarly erroneous mindset.

    • Updates inevitably lead to things breaking sometimes. If you want to avoid things breaking as often, using something stable (like Debian) would help.

    • The benefits you are describing are probably because of KDE vs Gnome and not a distro thing.

    • Fedora does things differently than Ubuntu/Debian (mainly package management, but there are other small things). Because of this, noobs & intermediate users alike will get frustrated at things “not being how they are supposed to be”

    All that said, if Fedora works for you, keep on using it. I daily drove it for about a year before switching to other things.

  • I played with linux a bunch between 2014-2019 but I was not ready for the commitment of learning a new operating system. In 2020, I started to get annoyed at how bad windows 10 was getting, and at some point I saw the insider previews of windows 11 and put my foot down.

    I fully switched to linux in 2021, I started with a brief spell of manjaro. I hated it.

    2022 I had alot going on in my life and didnt use a computer very much at all because I did not have internet access.

    Towards the very end of 2022 I moved and got a laptop which I put Fedora on. I used this daily until the first half of 2023

    Sometime mid 2023 I switched to opensuse and I used that for a few months before finally switching over to Debian which I still use now.

    I’ve come to the conclusion that I prefer LTS distros. I very rarely need new software besides for maybe WINE, but I can get that from the winehq website easily enough so its not a big deal. If I could get drivers to play nice out of the box, I would unironically put alma linux on my laptop and run it the full 10yrs.