Trump loves the poorly educated like this, useful idiots
Trump loves the poorly educated like this, useful idiots
What level of education do you have? Why did you vote for a rapist?
When trumps right hand man does multiple nazi salutes does this not strike you as kinda a nazi thing? Deporting people to camps doesnt set off alarm bells? Lack of empathy and poor education seems to be a defining trait of the right.
Most educated conservative right here guys
Thanks to conservatives.
They dont have to wait and see if people will be violent, they will just use agent provocateurs to do some false flags and get their buddies in the media to spin whatever narrative and the majority of people will lap it up and parrot it back out as usual. they managed spin anti facist as something bad after all.
How embarrassing for America, the president whoring himself out to a drug addict, I thought the shilling beans was low now this, Conservatives are seriously fucked in the head.
Zionazi scum