You typed all that and still don’t realize the problem is with the start time of school/work?
You typed all that and still don’t realize the problem is with the start time of school/work?
Which one to choose is such a non-issue it shouldn’t even be discussed.
It’s just a number on the clock. The day doesn’t actually get any longer or shorter, it doesn’t actually get darker any earlier, the only thing that changes is the number on the clock. So adjust your life based on the actual darkness. Start work an hour earlier, go to bed an hour earlier, etc etc and wow it’s exactly the same thing as you were doing before.
I just can’t believe people even argue about this.
Why are we still doing this? Stupid and unnecessary. Just get rid of it already.
Gotta use that lossless format so you can pick up all the sound artefacts caused by an imperfect physical format.
See the problem there is that Plex is transcoding instead of just supporting popular audio formats directly.
He could have paid for it on a credit card and made out better. Damn.
When I have 5 minutes to kill I open Wikipedia and read the article of the day.
Reading is better for your brain and attention span, and on top of that you learn something new.
But what do you think that accomplished?
Even if the HR person did type it verbatim and show it to you, they’re just going to turf it the second you leave and spin a tale that makes their boss happy.
There’s zero chance that the upper management who needed to hear what you said actually heard it.