No, the fan will blow the packets all over the place, which is fine for UDP, but any TCP/IP connection will suffer. Place the fan in front of the router so that the blades will catch any dropped packets an throw them back into the datastream.
No, the fan will blow the packets all over the place, which is fine for UDP, but any TCP/IP connection will suffer. Place the fan in front of the router so that the blades will catch any dropped packets an throw them back into the datastream.
Sees OP username
Sees image host name
Maybe the shitpost was inside of us all along.
41 percent is fringe? You do know how percentages work?
Blood and soil nationalism is ok when it’s promoted by non-white people.
Ok, can we puh-leese stop talking about corporate media siloses on the fediverse? I keep seeing Elon’s stupid mug plastered all over the media, can Lemmy be the exception, pretty please?
“Violence is bad” statements are in the same vein as “stove is hot”. Both are told to children because they cannot properly gauge the consequeces of using it, but are naive and condescending when told to adults.
Windows users when I ask them if they debloat their girlfriends before using them.
Rolls eyes It’s called enviromental storytelling, pleb.
We finally found the main character.
Cryptobros and day traders are indistingishable from compulsive gamblers
The problem is that with the quality decline of high school education college education has become all but a requirement for white collar jobs. Yes, the skillset you’ve been taught is going to be painfully out of date, but the fact that you have enough preserverence (and money ) for college means that you at least won’t be autofiltered by employers.
I see that the corporate owned media is sweating bullets.
Leave the NYPD alone, do you know how hard it is to murder minorities over fare skipping? And now you expect them to do actual detective work? They don’t even get to use all that fancy military equipment!
Getting an AI written eulogy because no human being would do it is hillariously Douglas Adamesque.
What a painfully milquetoast article. The writing on the wall was there for a long time, and thinkpieces like this are nothing more than a shrug and “it do be like that”.
People got so hung up on cool cyberware and Johnny Silverhand that they completely forgot Cyberpunk was a warning.
Generic antiestablishmentarism isn’t going to put you on a watchlist, this isn’t the 1950s. Glowies have better tech nowadays.