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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • I think Brazil is facing infinitely greater dangers than Lula at the moment, FWIW. He may be a lib (succdem), but he isn’t a comprador, and he- and the country at large- has seen what the west has in store for their country; nothing but poverty, destruction, and the fascism necessary to maintain such inhumane conditions. They know, at least to some extent (clearly not enough), who their enemies are- they have been forced, over and over again, to understand that facing this adversary is a matter of life and death, of slavery or freedom,

    And the common enemy that we all share- the global system of imperialism, the highest form of capitalism- is terrible enough, tyrannical enough, that I think a lot of common ground can be made. Not just with libs like Putin and Lula, but even with Islamists and monarchs like those in Iran and the Arab gulf states, with states veering dangerously close to (or arguably, already in parts of the country) fascism like India, even with countries that remain under the chokehold of such brutal anti-communist regimes like Indonesia…

    Lula might be dangerous, yes. Ideologically, he certainly is a hurdle in his own right. But the material conditions and realities of the system we all live under force all of humanity (those with any humanity, anyways) together all the same- and having experienced what he has, and seen what his country has suffered, I think it can be said that the danger he poses, is pointed in the right direction for the moment, like with Putin and the rest of the BRICS.

    I’d even take it a step further, and say that- for all of Lula’s (or Putin’s, or Modi’s, or the Ayatollahs,’ or the Sauds,’ etc.) dangers, by-and-large it may come to pass that, in the world they are actively working towards- and I suspect there is at least some understanding on their part that it is what they are working towards- the worst of the dangers they pose will never come to fruition. They will definitely remain dangers on the national level, against their proletariat citizenry in the world they are building- yet they are working- alongside AES no less- to destroy imperialism on a global stage, to destroy the “world police” of capital- to create a world where nations are no longer enslaved, and can determine their own future- their own paths forward, which personally I believe will eventually lead to their own confrontation and then, eventually, socialism.

    In other words, they are not recreating the wheel, the cycle of imperialism. The conditions do not exist- or at least, there is very strong reason to believe they do not exist (the broad range of nations and interests involved, and the comparative strength of AES, particularly China- as well as the example of Chinese development which has proven imperialism truly inferior)- in such a manner where they can feasibly recreate the system of imperialism under their own authority. They are creating the conditions in which their own eventual undoing may come to pass- perhaps even (if I were to be overly optimistic) peacefully- where they themselves, and their nations and peoples, will have the freedom to determine amongst themselves how to progress, and will have the means to do so with the fruits of their labor and soil rather than having it stolen from them- where they will have equality or something approaching it on an international level, and where they will have the ability to develop and prosper without having it all undermined and undone to maintain western hegemony.

  • At this point, the sanctions are doing phenomenal. For Russia, for China, and for BRICS that is… there’s usually a bit of short-term pain, but in turn the rewards are a thousandfold.

    I hope the west tries sanctioning some more (to those who can take it and then some at least, against China and Russia… maybe even India or Turkey as Russian oil-transit countries? 😂 Might hurt me some as well as someone living in an imperial core myself, but the results- the destruction of the imperial economic order, rapidly before our eyes- is just too beautiful, too inspiring all the same.

    Reminds me, recently I was watching Scott Ritter talking on the effects of sanctions on Russia. They had been struggling with the destabilizing, corrupting influence of the oligarchs for so long, for instance. The west dealt with that, basically neutered the oligarchs with their targeted sanctions. 😂 They had been struggling to get domestic investments, with wealth flowing from Russia into the west- the west dealt with that too- suddenly Russia has plenty of capital with nowhere to go but to the people, developments are being built left and right (and not just in the MIC). 😂 NATO basically helped Putin cleanse out the rot the west had encouraged to fester during the years of shock therapy, and as they’re the ones who did it (while showing the entire world their financial systems are not to be trusted) it didn’t take much if any political capital for Russia to get things back into shape afterwards.

  • In this case, it seems like Russia is- while facing some short-term hassles, generally doing better economically than ever (or than since the fall of the Soviet Union, anyways).

    The west has finally bitten off more than they could chew. Same with all the sanctions against China, and now it all is reaching a point where their sanctions machine falls apart altogether (hopefully soon, and hopefully the western regimes along with it). And eventually there’s going to be some truly magnificent backlash- the product of their own actions, not out of any malice by the rest of the world (though the west certainly deserves every bit of malice).

    The west has destroyed all credibility in their financial machines, in their world economic order- and now they’re just running on fumes, economically, anyways. And they’ve done it all while hollowing their own real economies to increase their bottom line, turning their own imperial cores into deindustrialized hellholes- they’ve nothing to even fall back on, hell, their own citizens by-and-large hate them. An ocean of debt- and public discontent- and the entire world, or those with sanity anyways, moving themselves and their assets as far away from the rogue, deranged, and spiraling west as it faces its karma- 500 years of likely the worst karma (not to put any pseudoscientific/superstitious value to it) from unparalleled brutality, savagery, and barbarism (that of the imperialist west, not their victims they projected upon) is coming up. And even as someone living in an imperial core myself, as someone who feels the pain now and- even if I get out, will have friends and family feel the pain- all the same, the schaudenfreude, the righteousness of it all is going to be delicious. It already is. Hopefully we all survive to see it unfold, and to help the new, better world emerge.

  • You may as well point fingers at all the various Islamic, Indian, African, or even indigenous “Amerindian” empires then. But your whataboutism ignores the fact that these empires were vastly different from the system of imperialism as practiced by the west.

    It’s like saying “black people enslaved other blacks too,” or “what about the Arab slave trade,” or “indigenous peoples killed each other all the time.” Sure, but the specifics of how the west did it are a world of difference, and you’re a racist for saying it that way.

  • The third scenario I could imagine (basically #2 but with western support) could be that the west is gearing up for a second “Arab spring,” to drive BRICS out of the region through either destabilization or regime change. I’d be surprised if that isn’t being seriously considered at this point TBH- because compliance with genocide and warmongering isn’t enough, the lackeys of the empire are expected also to sacrifice their economies and entire future as well in the name of western hegemony- and Sissi and the Gulf Arabs are increasingly seeking a better future in that regard.