It seems like a very bad policy decision.
It seems like a very bad policy decision.
Sure! Let’s eliminate the Department of Education, EPA, ATF, Department of the Interior, FCC, National Science Foundation, Department of Agriculture, the FTC and the NRC, the Department of Labor and DOE, the BIA and the BLM and why the hell not the DOT as well.
That way we can put more funds and manpower into making sure people’s washroom use doesn’t controvene Federal Anti-trans bathroom regulations.
It’s week one of republican control of congress and bro is already hard at work proposing legislation with funny acronym that will never go anywhere.
I’d bet my next paycheck most of the effort writing that Bill was put into coming up with the name. Talk about pointless do-nothing bureaucrats. Oh the irony.
It matters very much, dear comrade. In the last few years we have seen an increase in state sponsored violence, from police killings to genocide, as well as an increase in vigilantism and individuals engaged in acts of violence and terrorism. Soon riots and acts of civil disorder will be more common. Unless the material conditions of working class people’s lives improve, revolution is inevitable.
OK you want me to be specific? Democrats. Democrats that are just as much in bed with Wall Street as any Republican. Democrats upholding the power structures that perpetuate systemic oppression and privilege to funnel the wealth produced by working class Americans into the bank accounts of the rich and powerful.
This statement leaves me almost breathless. “different solutions”.
To be fair, I think liberals do deserve some blame for the current state of affairs.
Woah, woah, woah! Guys, Guys! This is conservative, we don’t talk about worker’s rights or unfair pay or exploitation!
We talk about bootstraps and opportunity and personal responsibility! We talk about what’s good for American industry and what benefits America’s robber barons!
Some sensible straight law-and-order talk from the folks that voted a convicted felon into the white house. Ok.
Yes. Too many goddamn cops.