Manuals are definitely niche now and mainly in sporty cars (Civic SI, Type R, BRZ, Supra, etc).
Manuals are definitely niche now and mainly in sporty cars (Civic SI, Type R, BRZ, Supra, etc).
The existence of one doesn’t preclude the existence of the other.
Feel free to ford any rivers you come across. That never ends poorly.
Was he pied by Bernie Sanders?
Can’t tell if it’s satire or not, so I’m vascilating between hilarious and terrifying. Hilarifying, if you will. Terrarious if you’re adventurous.
They don’t want to stop kids having sex. They want to stop them having safe sex. More stupid consumers to buy stuff. More child labor. They’re trying to kill public education, public health (ACA), and other social benefit programs. They want us stupid and dependant on the wealthy for absolutely everything.
1000 tomahawks of FREEDOM
I’m sure that’s why steakhouses are selling them so cheaply.
You mean he actually boiled the pasta and tossed the salad?
I’m exaggerating but when you think about the things that Olive Garden are known for (unlimited bread sticks, and their soup and salad deals), they’re all essentially premade. I don’t know many people who go there for the steak, for example.
I mean you have to take their words seriously because they tell you what they’re going to do. Or at the very least what they want to do.